Dean: Let’s Ban Religious Extremists From Holding Public Office In Canada

Jul 1, 2024

Happy Canada Day!

While most people today are waxing poetic about Canada’s lakes and war dead, I wanted to take a lighter approach.

My gift to this beautiful secular country is a short blurb on why religious extremists should be banned from holding public office.

If your religious conviction overrides your oath of office, you shouldn’t be allowed to hold office. Period. Stop.

The rise of religious fundamentalism/Extremism in North America and democratic countries around the world hasn’t just seeped its way into politics; it’s here, and it reminds me of every youth group gathering in every church I was forced to attend as a young man.

Religious extremism thrives in Conservative politics because it’s the most useful tool for fascists (neo-cons) in radicalizing scared people into doing the bidding of the elites.

Napoleon said it best:

“Religion exists so the poor don’t murder the rich.”

Stoic Philosopher Seneca was on the remark 1600 years before Napoleon:

“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”

“Christians won’t stop until we deliver a government of believers for our Lord.”

“Jesus is my Prime Minister!”

“Any Government that legalizes the murder of unborn babies does Satan’s bidding.”

These were central refrains growing up in the Christian faith, and they are shared values in the Muslim faith because they descend from the same cult lineage—the Abrahamic Faith. Is the Abrahamic one principle that overrides democratic principles?

Eternal life/Salvation.

These cracker jacks believe they will live forever if they adhere to their Abrahamic Extremism, which was classified as a cult 2000 years ago before they went on a murderous crusade for the last two millennia. ALL religions start as cults until they reach critical mass, by the way.

If you’ve ever seen someone compare a Christian Nationalist to ISIS or the Taliban, there’s a reason for it, and there’s nothing they want more than to live forever, so they’ll do anything TO YOU to make it happen.

And who better to create a political army of religious extremists with firm belief in God or doctrines of a religion based on spiritual apprehension rather than ANY proof? Like, any proof at all.

They hate life on Satan’s earth and can’t wait to get to the afterlife to experience their heavenly reward.

Do you want THOSE people to decide any part of your reality?


The Critical Importance of Separating Church and State in Democracy

In an era where religious fundamentalism and authoritarianism are on the rise globally, it’s crucial to examine why the separation of church and state remains a cornerstone of functional democracy. This principle, enshrined in many democratic constitutions worldwide, is a bulwark against tyranny and ensures that governance truly works for all citizens, regardless of their faith or lack thereof.

Historical Context

The concept of separating religious and governmental powers has roots stretching back centuries. The Peace of Westphalia in 1648 laid some of Europe’s earliest foundations for religious tolerance and secular governance. Later, Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke argued forcefully for religious tolerance and secular government.

In the United States, the First Amendment to the Constitution codified this separation, stating, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” This directly responded to the religious persecutions many colonists had fled in Europe.

Why Separation Matters

1. Protects Religious Freedom: When the state remains neutral on matters of faith, it protects the rights of all to practice their religion freely without government interference or favoritism. The irony is that nonbelievers and secular lawmakers are the only ones who promote the freedom to practice any religion.

2. Ensures Equal Treatment: A secular government treats all citizens equally, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

3. Prevents Tyranny of the Majority: In a diverse society, separating church and state prevents the dominant religious group from imposing its beliefs on minorities. See Iran and Russia and every Red state in America that’s banned abortion.

4. Promotes Rational Policymaking: Policies based on empirical evidence and reason rather than religious doctrine can address complex societal issues more effectively. Louisiana made it mandatory for schools to display the Ten Commandments because “Christ’s laws and rules are what America was founded on.” Oklahoma just mandated Bible Study in History class. LOLZ.

5. Fosters Social Cohesion: By keeping divisive religious debates out of governance, societies can focus on shared civic values instead of regulating what happens in bedrooms or family planning clinics.

Don’t think it won’t happen in North America because it’s happening right now…

Despite these clear benefits, many parts of the world are grappling with the rise of religious authoritarianism and attempts to erode the separation of church and state. :

Iran: Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran has been governed as a theocracy. The Supreme Leader, a religious figure, holds ultimate authority over the state. This has led to severe restrictions on personal freedoms, particularly for women and religious minorities.

Saudi Arabia: While undergoing some reforms, Saudi Arabia remains an absolute monarchy closely tied to Wahhabi Islam. The legal system is based on Sharia law, leading to human rights concerns, especially regarding women’s rights and freedom of religion.

Hungary: Under Viktor Orbán, Hungary has increasingly embraced “Christian democracy,” with the government promoting conservative Christian values in policy and education, raising concerns about discrimination against non-Christians and secular Hungarians.

United States: While not a theocracy, there are ongoing debates about the role of religion in government, from arguments over prayer in schools to attempts to base legislation on religious beliefs, particularly regarding issues like abortion and LGBTQ+ rights.



What scares academics and proponents of democracy the most? This kind of hatred will take over Western democracies while being accepted as alternative governance when it’s religious Extremism in better packaging that we vote for based on “conservative” values.

It is nothing more than lipstick on a religious extremist pig.

The Dangers of Religious Extremism in Government

When religious Extremism of any kind infiltrates the government, several dangers emerge:

1. Erosion of Individual Rights: Religious laws often restrict personal freedoms, particularly for women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and religious minorities.

2. Suppression of Dissent: Theocratic regimes often view criticism as blasphemy, stifling free speech and political opposition.

3. Scientific and Social Stagnation: When religious doctrine supersedes empirical evidence, it can hinder scientific progress and social reform.

4. Increased Social Division: Government favoritism towards one religion can exacerbate sectarian tensions and marginalize minority groups.

5. International Isolation: Theocratic governments often clash with the international community, leading to diplomatic and economic consequences.

The separation of church and state remains as crucial today as it was when it was first conceptualized. It safeguards the rights of all citizens. It doesn’t objectify the masses as sinners or infidels. A secular government that protects you’re ridiculous “religious” freedoms is the only way to protect that religious freedom because religious domination of the state is the ONLY goal of Catholic/Christian/Muslim faiths. “Crazy” needs to be policed by those who don’t subscribe to cult mythology. Because that’s crazy.

And do you want a group of people who take their vow to a magical Sky Wizard (who hates gay people) dictating your reality? That vow to ALLAH or JESUS comes way before their sworn oath to protect the individual rights of the people they serve. They’d rather die and spend an eternity in heaven than support abortion rights or gay marriage, which are protected human rights in democratic/secular countries like Canada and the US.

Eternal life is way more important than life on earth to a believer of any cult faith. Elected religious extremists know this going into politics and government. It’s their entire purpose. To dutifully please their God. Whose laws sit far above the laws they swore an oath to uphold, and it’s a matter of eternal life or death for Christian Nationalists and Muslim Extremists.

Religious Extremism perpetrated by the government is mainly responsible for every real/digital war we see today and used to fight every war throughout human history.


The Freedom Convoy that shut down Canada’s borders for three weeks…

And used Kids as human shields/Jerry can mules for Jesus…

It’s responsible for the ENTIRE war in Gaza that continues to haunt Jews and Muslims around the world.

It’s also the pretext for Putin’s war in Ukraine. Russian Christian Orthodoxy is also Putin’s link to North American support for the genocide he’s committing in Ukraine, a former soviet country he has pounded into submission over the last 25 years.

Canada should create a law that outlaws religious extremists from elected service:

Religious extremists are ill-suited for public office in a diverse, democratic society. Their rigid adherence to dogmatic beliefs often conflicts with the principles of inclusive governance and evidence-based policymaking. When in power, they may prioritize their religious agenda over the needs and rights of all citizens, potentially discriminating against those with different beliefs or no religious affiliation. This can lead to the erosion of civil liberties, particularly for minority groups. We’re seeing it now.

Moreover, religious extremists may struggle to separate their personal faith from their public duties, compromising their ability to represent all constituents fairly. They might attempt to impose their religious views through legislation, violating the crucial separation of church and state. This approach can create deep societal divisions and undermine the foundational principles of secular democracy.

Effective governance requires openness to diverse perspectives, willingness to compromise, and decision-making based on facts and the common good—qualities often at odds with extremist religious ideologies. Public officials should serve all citizens equally, regardless of faith, which becomes challenging when one’s extreme religious views dominate one’s worldview and political agenda.

Make. Canada. Secular. Again.

It’s the only way democracy works. When people who don’t share core beliefs derived from Roman and Ottoman cult control mechanisms govern all people, not just their people. If you don’t feel that way, you shouldn’t be allowed to represent Canadians. At all.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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