iDivorce: A Man Is Suing Apple For $6 Million Because His Wife Is Divorcing Him For Finding Messages To Sex Workers He Thought He Deleted

Jun 19, 2024

Well, folks, it seems like the age-old saying “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” has taken on a whole new meaning in the digital era. A man in California is suing Apple for a whopping $6 million because, get this, his wife found out about his not-so-discreet rendezvous with some “professional companions” thanks to the iPhone’s nifty little feature that syncs deleted messages across devices.

The Backstory

Let’s set the scene: our protagonist, let’s call him “Mr. Smooth Operator,” thought he was being slick by deleting those incriminating texts from his iPhone. Little did he know, his trusty Apple Watch was keeping receipts like a seasoned accountant. Oops!When his wife innocently checked the watch for, I don’t know, maybe the weather forecast or the latest Wordle score, she stumbled upon a digital trail of breadcrumbs leading straight to her husband’s secret life as a “client” of the world’s oldest profession.

The Lawsuit

Now, our friend Mr. Smooth Operator is crying foul and blaming Apple for his marital woes. In his lawsuit, he claims that the tech giant’s failure to properly disclose the syncing feature between devices is a violation of his privacy rights. Because, you know, when you’re engaging in some extracurricular activities behind your spouse’s back, privacy is of utmost importance.The best part? He’s seeking a cool $6 million in damages, which, let’s be real, is probably just a drop in the bucket compared to what he’ll have to fork over in alimony and legal fees once the divorce is finalized.

The Moral of the Story

So, what’s the takeaway here, folks? If you’re going to engage in some shady shenanigans, maybe invest in a good old-fashioned burner phone instead of relying on your fancy Apple devices. Or, you know, just be a decent human being and stay faithful to your spouse. But where’s the fun in that, right?At the end of the day, this cautionary tale serves as a reminder that technology is a double-edged sword. It can make our lives easier, but it can also expose our deepest, darkest secrets with the click of a button. So, the next time you’re tempted to delete those incriminating texts, remember: your devices might just rat you out to your significant other.

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