905 Round-up: The Malicious Incompetence of Doug Ford

Joel MacLeod Oct 31, 2024

There have been a few stories that popped onto our radar recently that made us think we ought to do a 905 Round-Up Episode to cover them all. In the course of our discussions about them though, we discovered a common thread. All of the problems we discuss are a result of the poor decision-making of the Ontario PC Government.

The Mississauga LRT project is under threat of not being completed due to questions of where funding to pay vendors and suppliers will come from. The funding has turned into a mess of who’s owed who and who is paying for it. Metrolinx is the Ontario government’s transit corporation in charge of this project so why isn’t the province stepping in to sort this out? Another project that the current government is leading to failure.

In Hamilton, The Spec reported how a new distribution model for home care supplies has left major gaps in the way they are distributed to patients. The result is that patients and home care providers are not operating with the tools they need. All due to the current government’s need to upend the old way of doing things, resulting in a mess.

Lastly, we look at the fact that Burlington is raising property taxes again. We face the reality that it’s due to the Ford government’s upending the municipal funding formula but not replacing it with a new model for 905 municipalities to operate with.

What is the common thread we mentioned at the beginning of this note? We describe it as malicious incompetence. Listen to the episode to understand what it means.

Hurontario LRT track trouble and delays threaten credit rating, completion timeline

‘We’re panicking,’ says home care co-ordinator dealing with supply shortage crisis with ‘no end in sight’

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Nicholas Paul: sound editing.

The Quadrafonics: fantastic opening and closing tunes!

Joel MacLeod

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