A Fan Letter to Willy Nylander (and a bit to his Father)… **spoiler alert** It’s not a happy one.

This is an open letter to Mr. Willy Nylander.
Let me start by clarifying a few things. I am Canadian. I am a Hockey Fan. I am a Maple Leafs Fan. Born and raised in Toronto, teenaged years north of the city in Aurora. I married Irish and these days live in Dublin, Ireland. Do I suffer as a fan as much as you guys over there in Toronto? Not as much I guess. I do have to listen to my Mom and Brothers complain about things but they are easily drowned out. No, I have other ways this holdout has affected me… I’ll get to that in a sec.
I do my very best to watch games as much as possible. We are 5 hours later over here so the games here are from Midnight to 2 am-ish. So, I see some of the games. The way I do keep in touch with not just Hockey but everything Canadian is through my Fantasy Hockey Pool.
That’s right… this completely selfish post is about my Fantasy Hockey Pool and how you, Willy, are fucking my window up… big time. I am a member of the most famous Hockey Pool in the (Hockey)World. The Alternative Hockey League. That’s right the one that KidPoker, Daniel Negreanu himself runs. I have had a team in the pool for over 20 years. I have had a sniff at the Championship but never over the top. This was supposed to be my year.
I traded for all the big guns I could muster to help you;
Erik Karlsson…. check (the nightmare of this will be documented in another post I’m sure)
Roman Josi…. check
Connor Carrick… check (Dallas plays a ton in our playoffs)
This along with a pretty stacked team including your Captain, Giroux, F Forsberg, E Staal, Drouin, Palmieri, Ehlers, Namestnikov… defensemen Provorov, Ristolainen, Shattenkirk, S Jones
Sound familiar… a team full of top-shelf talent at the precipice of something special… and YOU want no part of either… Fantasy or Reality.
Fantasy issues aside…
What is the reason? Is it simply Greed? If you wanted to win you would be playing. You are in the business of Entertainment. All the sports talk stations have ex-players on saying that the number 1 reason they play the game… to WIN. If yours is about the financial payoff, the money, then none of us want you back here. Sit there scratching your Vag and playing Fortnite all year for all we care. We’ll call for Dubas to trade your ass to an eternal rebuilder that treats their players like an AHL team.
You don’t deserve the Hockey mecca that is Toronto.
What is your Dad doing… chirping in your ear about how little he made when he played? Trying to get back at Hockey through you? What a bitter fuck he is… but it’s all about your best interests right?
Before you start giving out to me about Parents and looking out for what’s best for their kids, I have been there. My Dad was a Firefighter in Toronto. He taught my brothers and me about being proud of what you are and the Man you will become. It was never about $’s… it was about character. Whatever you amount to, hold your head up high and own it.
To you, and your Dad this is about money, greed, and privilege. Are you saying that when all is said and done your life will be a failure and you won’t be happy unless you get what… $48 million over the next 6 years instead of $36 Million? This isn’t counting the 3 you have already racked up and what you’ll make in your bitter over the hill years. Which if you have learned anything is something the Maple Leaf org prides itself on. Taking care of their own.
Your bitter Dad must be the exception.. How fucking needy is he? How much of that win fall does he have targeted for his wallet? It’s obviously something if all the news and rumours are to be believed. Yeah right… YOUR best interests.
So, Willy… time to lift up your skirt, grab your little balls and get your privileged ass back to Toronto where it should be.
Signed, (one would hope)
A shitload of Maple Leaf Fans.
David Randell
Musician, Magician, dad of 3 and Day 1er around here! Canadian living in Dublin, Ireland! (Primarily for the Beer!) TML, Raptors, TFC fan. Movies, TV, Sports, Entertainment... pretty much everything is fair game. A mulligatawny of drivel coming your way.