Video: A Leaked Video Shows 49ers QB Trey Lance Making It Rain On Some Strippers Following His Week 1 Loss To Chicago

Sep 16, 2022

That’s one way to shake off a loss.

Rule #1 Trey, phones in a lockbox at all times when you are out with the boys. Also, get yourself some better friends. If something like this leaks you know it was from someone in his crew trying to sabotage him.

Honestly, it’s not the biggest deal, 85% of NFL players hit the strip club after a loss or a win. However, it’s not the best look for a 49ers QB who is in his first year as starting QB and trying to prove himself. Not to mention the 49ers benched QB Jimmy Garapolo for Trey. Jimmy had the 49ers 1 win away from the Super Bowl last year.

Everyone in the media made a big deal out of Trey Lance not being named a team captain when the 49ers announced their captains.

I feel like his maturity may have had something to do with it.

Again, I am not judging. Everyone in the NFL is an adult and can do what they please, however, you better believe the 49ers are going to have a meeting with him about optics when they get to the facility tomorrow.

One positive, he has a great wrist flick while making those bills fly on that stripper’s bum. Let’s hope it translates onto the field.

Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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