A Part of Your Childhood Passed Away. Emilio Delgado Dead at 81.

Joe Williamson Mar 11, 2022

Well this sucks.

Emilio Delgado or “Luis” from Sesame Street has passed away after an extended battle with blood cancer. Specifically, multiple myeloma.

Besides being a 40yr staple on the world’s most beloved children program, Emilio continued to work right up until the very end. A quick review of his IMDB page reveals that in addition to insane amount of TV credits he also did voice work for Red Dead Redemption II. But let’s be honest, he’s only going to be remembered for one thing, but oh what a legacy he leaves. We should all be so lucky.


Joe Williamson

Bald Canadian who didn’t play hockey until he was in his mid-thirties. Die hard Raptors fan who proudly admits he wept when they won it all. Loves talking parenting, politics, and all things pop culture.

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