STUDY: Half of All Men Don’t Know Where the Vagina Is Located. DO YOU?
Source – Most men do not know the difference between the vagina and vulva, nor were comfortable discussing gynecological health issues, according to a new survey.
The survey, conducted by The Eve Appeal for Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month, also asked 1,000 men to label the vagina on a diagram of a vagina, vulva, cervix, ovaries and the Fallopian tubes. Only 500 correctly labeled the vagina.
The vagina is the muscular “tube” inside the woman’s body — where sexual intercourse takes place.
However, many men believe that the vulva — the external female sexual organs comprising the labia and clitoris, among other parts — is, in fact, the vagina.
They also found that only 10 percent of men are confident they could identify their other half’s privates in a lineup. And just one in five men thought his partner’s lady garden attractive.
They didn’t include the age group of the “men” surveyed, but I’m assuming they are all 9 and live in the woods with a bunch of other nine-year-olds in some Lord Of The Flies thing.
Whatever your sexual preference you should probably know by paying attention in health class in the 6th grade, where, and what, the vagina is. Men and women. If these “men” are heterosexual and over 21 they play too much Call Of Duty and need to look for some consensual heavy petting.
In case you are in this group of dipshits that are “vaginally challenged” I’ve included the diagram above for you. Study it, (prefferably not in public) and do some field research. If this still doesn’t help, remember the words of my uncle, Ernie.
“Boy, home base of the woman’s undercarriage is the ‘taint.’ The ‘taint’ is the bit of skin between the vagina and bum, and if she’s lying on her back, the vagina is north of the taint.”
“Whys is it called a taint.”
“Taint quite the arsehole, taint quite the vagina son. It’s also known as the ‘cuzzif’. Cuzzif wasn’t there; their guts would fall out.”
Crude, and technically incorrect but it helped. Maybe it’ll help you too.