Alberta Government Looks To Roll Back Abortion Rights For Women The Day After Removing Rights Of Trans Kids

Feb 2, 2024


What a fucking province.

Rugged terrain. The Rocky Mountains. Rich in Natural resources, rodeo clowns, and home to Canada’s most religious autocratic dictatorship (Sask and NB are a close second and third).

After seizing power from Jason Kenny, Danielle Smith, backed by hardline evangelical conservative David Parker from Take Back Alberta, is now applying biblical texts and commands to social policies and programs for evangelical Christians.

That was the entire point for Danielle Smith and David Parker.

Two days ago, Smith announced draconian new laws were coming in the fall that stripped parents and tans kids of any right to ANY transition support. From counseling to puberty blockers to sexual reassignment procedures, to pronouns and rights for trans kids to speak to their teachers about possible abuses/fear at home around their sexuality.

Dannielle and David put forward four core changes to how they help Trans families transition:

  • Banning puberty blockers, saying they cause irreversible damage (they don’t)
  • Banning Pronouns in schools without parent’s permission
  • Banning surgery for any Albertan under 18 (it’s already forbidden)
  • Banning trans men in women’s sports
  • Referred to gender fluidity and gender identification as a phase they’ll grow out of. Until then, the government is going to make decisions for any and every trans person under 18 and their family.

There are around 12300 Albertans who identify as nonbinary or trans. About 2500-3000 are under 18. Danielle Smith and David Parker are spending millions in taxpayer funds to strip informed consent from 2500 kids under 18 who are trying desperately to get help. What Parker and Smith have done is tell every single one of those kids they don’t give a fuck about them or their rights and that the Evangelical Dictators who run Alberta’s government have to step in to remove their rights because their rights are not legitimate according to their Lord.

They also just put every nonbinary, gay, or trans kid at risk in their own homes.

Fifty percent of homeless people in Canada under 18 flee or are non-binary, trans, or gay. They flee or get kicked out of their familial homes because their parents think they are an abomination. This explains the pronoun policy. The last thing religious extremist parents want is for their church friends to find out their son or daughter is an abomination against their Lord.

It’s a political stunt for Jesus freaks and extremists who hate gay people. And despite what they say, Dani and David fucking HATE gay people (Danielle will hate anyone or anything if it means she gets a paycheck and some influence).

See 2014:


Every healthcare and mental health professional who doesn’t believe in Noah’s Ark has blasted Smith’s plans to treat trans kids like criminals incapable of informed consent.

*It’s fucking rich that the same government that parents parental rights, FREEDOM, and informed consent has no problem removing all of those rights from Trans parents and their kids while celebrating the rights of parents who don’t have trans kids. Effectively, Danielle Smith and David Parker want to remove the rights of the LGBTQ community, starting with children and their families while dressing it all up as parental rights for other parents who don’t want their “straight, religious” kids to be influenced by the secular lives and sexuality of others—essential religious extremism and tactics of a religious dictatorship.

If you’re looking for an INCREDIBLY accurate explainer, Lisa crushes it. It’s nine minutes long but FULL of details you won’t find anywhere else. Because citizens like Lisa have to fill in gaps where MSM isn’t interested in fighting for Trans kids in case they lose access to the premier.

“Make Abortion Illegal Again” – Smith and Parker

Danielle and David followed up their announcement to strip parents and kids of their right to informed consent with about 2 million propaganda ROBOCALLS hoping to warm Albertans up to a new law they would like to enact in the name of Jesus/David Parker: Banning abortion and controlling female reproductive rights.

OOOHHH YEAH! #MapleMAGA is praising Jesus today! They’ve been protesting and organizing behind graphic abortion pictures while hunting abortion doctors for years. This is the political Superbowl for Evangelical Extremists who think the rapture is around the corner.

Again. This comes from Parker and Smith. Smith needs to appease Parker’s extreme loyalty to the Evangleical/Muslim conservative hardliners propping up her shitty government. They’ll chip away at rights their bible says are immoral or a sin against their religious doctrine to repeal the right for Albertans under 18 to get an abortion anonymously.

A person’s right to a private medical procedure is protected in Canada. Women, no matter their age, have 100 percent autonomy in Canada to abort anything they want, anytime they want. Danielle Smith already has Albertans under the age of 18 on the run, so why not slide a sleight of Robocalls about stripping them of their reproductive rights and bodily autonomy without any context of that person’s situation?

As archaic, mean, and shortsighted as Danielle Smith and her government of poorly educated religious extremists are, the blatant hypocrisy around child/parental rights being suspended for one group is ASTONISHINGLY fucking purposeful.

That’s why they use graphic imagery and language when describing trans kids.

Mutilation. Castration. Gentials. They are cutting off boobs and cutting off penises. They have successfully convinced other bird-brained religious extremists that when a kid starts questioning their sexuality, parents, schools, and the federal government rush that kid into life-changing surgery they’ll regret.

Yeah, that doesn’t happen. And I think it’s fucking creepy that religious conservatives are obsessed over kids’ genitals and mutilation talk and projection usually reserved for projectionist pedophiles and groomers.

Again, for the religious and performance politicians singing for that sweet religious lobby lift in Alberta, Canada, it does not allow people under 18 to have gender reassignment surgery.

Only after significant mandated counseling and education can someone apply for gender reassignment surgery, and they have to be the age of majority. And THAT decision comes after years of support for that person IF they are lucky enough to have a parent go with them on that journey.

The kids under 18 who come from extremist religious homes or dysfunctional homes aren’t so lucky.

In Alberta:

– 26% of LQQBT youth are told to leave home

– 39% of LGQB youth attempt suicide

– 43% of trans-identified youth will attempt suicide

Source: The number of ‘out’ youth and the acceptance of them in their communities are increasing, yet there are still a number of issues faced by LGBT+ youth. Research out of Toronto indicates that potentially as many as 1 in 5 homeless youth identifies as LGBT+, and that they are more likely than other youth to be on the streets instead of in shelters due to homophobia and the fear of violence.[1] According to PFLAG Canada, upwards of 26% of LGBT+ youth are told to leave home.[2]

LGBT+ youth also have a high risk of engaging in self-harm, particularly if they have not come out yet or have not been accepted by their family. Research indicates that approximately 30% of youth suicides are by LGBT+ youth, and that 43% of trans-identified youth are likely to attempt suicide.[3] Among LGBT+ youth there is a 20% increase in suicide attempts for those in unsupportive environments.[4]. Regardless of other risk factors, such as depression or substance abuse, living in a supportive environment is associated with significantly fewer suicide attempts.

In spite of the issues faced by some LGBT+ youth, many families are supportive, open, and accepting of their LGBT+ children. These families represent a wide array of religions, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and abilities. While the stereotypical story of an LGBT+ youth being unaccepted still holds true in some families, it is important to recognize that an increasing number of parents love their child regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Thanks to Danielle Smith and David Parker, Trans/Non-Binary/LGTQ kids now have nowhere to go and, God forbid, unwanted pregnancy. If Alberta goes full Texas, the state-sanctioned forced pregnancies start in mid-October, too.

It’s a matter of time before Alberta legalizes church rape as a Sunday school lesson.








Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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