Alex Jones Live Streamed His Billion Dollar Defamation Judgement For Sandy Hook Victims And This Is The Schadenfreude You’re Looking For

Oct 13, 2022

Alex Jones was live streaming his hot garbage INFOWARS show today as the judge in his Connecticut defamation judgment hearing brought by the family of Sandy Hook victims.

Alex didn’t appear at the trial this year, so these were default judgments at the judge’s discretion.

She doubled what Sandy Hook parents were asking for, and Alex Jones and INFOWARS officially owe 26 families over $1 BILLION.

NYTIMES: Alex Jones and Infowars’ parent company, Free Speech Systems, must pay close to $1 billion to the family members of eight victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary and an F.B.I. agent who responded to the scene of the 2012 massacre, which killed 20 first graders and six educators.

Mr. Jones, who was not in court to hear the jury’s decision, had been found liable for defamation after he spent years falsely describing the shooting as a hoax and accusing the victims’ families of being actors complicit in the plot. As a result, the families were threatened in person and online. He used his Infowars platform to spread these lies.

Here’s what to know:

  • The jury’s decision divided the money among 15 plaintiffs: 14 relatives of eight Sandy Hook victims, and William Aldenberg, an F.B.I. agent targeted by conspiracy theorists. The plaintiffs were awarded varying amounts by the jurors, who considered their testimony and other evidence presented in court to gauge the damage done to their reputations, invasion of their privacy and other factors.

  • This case presented the greatest financial risk to Mr. Jones, because he was found liable of violating Connecticut’s Unfair Trade Practices Act, by using lies about the shooting to sell products on Infowars. There is no cap on punitive damages under that law.

  • Mr. Jones’s assets are a matter of dispute. He has put Infowars’ parent company into bankruptcy, but the families have accused him of doing so to avoid paying the damages.

  • Mr. Jones has a third Sandy Hook damages trial pending stemming from a defamation suit he lost to Lenny Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, parents of Noah Pozner. An earlier trial, in the suit brought by Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, parents of Jesse Lewis, ended with Mr. Jones being ordered to pay $4 million in compensatory damages and $45.2 million in punitive damages to the Mr. Heslin and Ms. Lewis.  As Alex Jones was being ordered by a jury in Connecticut to pay nearly $1 billion in damages to the families of eight Sandy Hook victims and an F.B.I. agent he accused of being actors, he scoffed live on his show: “Do these people actually think they’re getting any money?” He planned to hold an “emergency” broadcast for more than 16 hours to “save Infowars,” he said, urging people to “flood us with donations.” “For hundreds of thousands of dollars, I can keep them in court for years. I can appeal this stuff,” he said.

Look at this smug fuck.

Jones owes 1.3 billion because he couldn’t stop lying, and he used those lies to hurt others and line his pockets. There is no more profitable industry in the content game than HARD-right conspiracy bullshit. Alex was the first into the game, and in 2012, his fortunes changed when he became an enemy of the American people and truth – Putin’s FAVE. That’s when the money started to flow.

Over the next decade, Alex took MILLIONS in dark money from evangelical groups, conservative super PACS, and foreign governments because he had millions of captive militant extremist idiots at his disposal who wanted his anti-gay, bogus reality to be accurate. After all, they’re stupid too.

Alex spent the last decade selling billions of dollars worth of bogus supplements, boner pills, and fake health alternatives on the back of those conspiracy-loving, mentally deranged idiots to the tune of 3.8 billion dollars.

Knowing this was coming, Alex declared bankruptcy and stashed hundreds of millions somewhere, and now he’s begging those same idiots for money to save him and his brand from being wiped out, hoping to file appeals forever.

Unfortunately, that’s not how this works, and those parents will get paid, and it’s over for INFOWARS, according to any legal pundit with a brain.

They make you PAY in the US, and if you can’t, they send your fat ass to jail, Alex. That’s how this works. And if Alex thinks the federal government won’t look everywhere (including in Alex’s asshole) for that legally obtained judgment for those parents.

Don’t forget; this is the same asshole who thinks Pierre Poilievere is great for Canada.

If Alex Jones thinks you’re his kind of person, you’re a piece of shit who shares values with him and the official leader of the opposition of Canada, Pierre Poilievere. I like connecting Alex to Pierre. It tells the story of Pierre without actually having to research how much of an extremist piece of shit he is.

Think about that. Today, Alex Jones, who mocked the parents of 20 children massacred in a school shooting in 2012, endorsed Pierre Poilievere for PM of Canada.

Now the race is on to find the money before Alex splits to Russia. Game on.



Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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