Austin 3:16 Just Whooped Your Ass : Stone Cold Returns To Wrestlemania And Wrestles In His First Match In 19 Years

Hey nostalgia, how are ya? Whether you like wrestling or not everyone loved Stone Cold and his beer-drinking badassery in the 90s. The man was the best, with so many iconic phrases and the beer-chugging. I don’t know how many times my friends and I when we were partying slammed two beers together and spilled 95% on our shirts and chugged them. The man was the King and returned to Wrestlemania for his first WWE appearance in 19 years in TEXAS at AT&T stadium. His entrance and match were everything I hoped it would be.
Bathe in the nostalgia, flip off your buddy, smash some beers together and enjoy the moment because it was AWESOME. 12-year-old Chris is freaking out.
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin is braced tf up! He has the ATV! He’s throwin shit! Let’s fucking go! #WrestleMania pic.twitter.com/DK3QI9CJKE
— Patches Chance (@patcheschance) April 3, 2022
Chris Rooke
Content Director-Producer-Writer