Bills Fans Calling For Buffalo To Cut Their “ Alleged” Rapist Punter. Because Bills Fans Are Real

Aug 26, 2022

Dear Bills Mafia, you know me as a trolling New England Patriots fan. I’d like to put aside our rivalry for a second and tell you that your fan base is 10000% better than the asshats in Cleveland. 

Buffalo Bills “Punt God” Matt Araiza has been named in a lawsuit for “allegedly” gang-raping a 17-year-old girl last year.

I’m not going to get into the details because frankly it makes me sick to my stomach.

This is one of thos as a father of a 16-year-old daughter moments, where I can’t describe the rage going through my body. I feel sad for the victim. I can only hope that she has a strong support system, and that she’ll be able to get through this stronger. 

As for Bills Mafia, I fucking salute each and every one of you. After covering the Deshaun Watson story for the last year, it’s great to see a fan base with morals.

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