Blackballed Presents: Interviewing Noam Chomsky on Earth Day without looking unsmart

It was when I was attending the college I would eventually drop out of when I first read something from Noam Chomsky. The book was called Manufacturing Consent.
The book describes the relationship between the political, economic and social elites and the how the media covers stories to serve the interests of said elites. Like many, I was intrigued both because deep down we all had a feeling there was something incestuous happening between media and politics, and also because I likely thought I understood it when in fact I could only scratch the surface.
Noam Chomsky: Increasing Threat of Nuclear War, Humanity About To Fall Off a Precipice!
Watch last Saturday's Going Underground episode: https://t.co/lqd6iFoVL4 pic.twitter.com/HO162YOHPE
— Going Underground (@GUnderground_TV) April 21, 2023
If you read excerpts from it today you will still find it relevant. A few years ago Chomsky even used the perils of climate change to help frame the idea that despite 98% of scientists agreeing that climate change is man-made, the presentation that there are somehow two equal sides to this debate poisons the audience’s ability to treat the issue as settled science and thus is another example of the public manufacturing consent for muddying the waters.
Saturday is Earth Day, and Noam Chomsky will be visiting Blackballed for the third time. In fact, the Blackballed podcast launched with Chomsky as its first guest, proving that you can be a complete podcast rookie and still be infected a with a certain level of hubris. That’s my way of saying I was so wet behind the ears I had to come up for air. I cringe a little at old Blackballed interviews, but I’ve learned something along the way.
My first ever Blackballed podcast was with Noam Chomsky.
This is that podcast.https://t.co/1L28r1hpz6
— James DiFiore (@jamesdifiore) October 23, 2022
When you have a guest like Chomsky, someone who has probably written more books than I have read, there is one key principle you must always follow; remember you are not as smart as one of the smartest men who has ever lived. And that’s not an overstatement. Chomsky’s brain is like no other, and at 94 his recall and ability to utilize sound arguments for virtually any political or social subject is unparalleled.
He’s not the type of guest you want to debate, in other words. It’s better just to let him talk.
A warning from Noam Chomsky:
🇨🇦 had a decent health care system, but is now moving toward the United States' model of profit gouging, inefficient bureaucracy and double the costs of comparable countries.
“From one of the better health systems in the world, to the worst one.” pic.twitter.com/aB2ffT3EFo
— The Breach (@TheBreachMedia) April 12, 2023
So we will spend the entire show talking about the environment, a topic that has proven to be Chomsky’s most passionate, endlessly encouraging young people to take on older generations and demand a new society based on the bedrock of keeping the planet healthy.
His ability to cut through the fat and place the issue in its own category of urgency adds a dimension to Chomsky we may not have seen when he discusses politics, linguistics, or government tyranny.
For Chomsky, who is 94 years old, his motivation for championing the environment is for those of us who will still be here when he is long gone. It’s that kind of passion and worry that displays Chomsky’s love for his common man, despite spending a career showing us how awful mankind can be.
Hopefully I can take his passion and do it justice…by smiling and nodding politely rather than challenging his positions. Jesus, imagine that? No thank you.
Noam Chomsky will be on Blackballed on Earth Day, April 22nd @ 6 PM ET.