BOOTED! Speaker Greg Fergus kicks Pierre Poilievre out of the House of Commons for calling Justin Trudeau ‘wacko’

Jason Pugh Apr 30, 2024

First, the moment:

This was shortly after the Speaker ejected CPC MP Rachael Thomas from the House of Commons for challenging the Speaker:

Now, if you’d like to watch what led up to that moment, you can watch it on CPAC’s YouTube channel starting at this point:

After Pierre Poilievre was kicked out of the HoC for not withdrawing his remark, he told his MPs to leave as well.

Here’s the Global News write up on it:
Poilievre booted from House of Commons after calling Trudeau a ‘wacko’

You can see Andrew Scheer, Garnet Genuis and other CPC MPs getting up to leave just before the leader of the Bloc Québécois, Yves-François Blanchet rose to ask a question and said this:

“Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate you on your common sense today.”

Oh, sick burn against the “common sense Conservative” leader!

Shortly after that New Democratic Party MP, Alexandre Boulerice, rose to say this:

“Mr. Speaker, what a day today. I’m glad that those remaining are adults. The adults are still here in the room.”

It’s true. The rest of QP was so much quieter and civil.

Now, of course, Pierre Poilievre immediately tweeted out that he’s somehow the victim here when he’s been a MP for 20 years and knows the damn rules of the House:

When asked about Pierre Poilievre’s claim that he’s being silenced Liberal Minister Marc Miller responded with this:

“That guy has never shut his mouth in his life. Who silences him? He keeps saying dumb things. I think it would be good if he shut up, if he shut his yap once in a while. But the stuff that he does in the House of Commons is disgraceful. He plays on that. He’s a guy that likes to play outside the lines. When someone steps outside the lines to confront him, he freezes.”


Like every other bully, Pierre Poilievre can dish it out but can’t take it.


Jason Pugh

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