Breaking: Don Cherry Has A New(ish) Show!

Nov 18, 2019

Well, that didn’t take long, huh.

Don Cherry is back with ‘Grapevine’ and According to the Toronto Sun, it’s going to be a Podcast featuring his Son, Tim, and Grandson, Del.

(Brave choice for a name, unless they named him after Del Griffith.  Then it’s Baddass)

Sun: It will drop Tuesday morning and be available on Spotify and other streaming services every Monday during the hockey season.

And yes, the very first one will address Cherry’s firing from Sportsnet.

“But that’s not all we talked about,” Cherry told me Monday. “We are talking hockey, of course. It’s going to be terrific. In this one I am talking about The Rocket (Maurice Richard), one of the all-time greats.”

“They did great,” Don said of Tim and Del. ”I think people are really going to enjoy this one and the ones we do down the road.”

Tim Cherry tells me the plan is to tape and post it every Monday.

“That way we cover off what happened on the weekend in hockey,” said Tim. “It’s going to be fun.”


Meh, good for Grapes I guess.  According to a mutual friend, Don is in demand reviewing several TV/Radio/Media offers from those who weren’t offended by what he said, and there are lots of you out there.

I’ve been surprised by how many people, including immigrants who should have been offended, aren’t.  I’ve said this 100 times but Don didn’t mean to come across as a bigot and he shouldn’t be remembered as one but that’s my perspective.

That doesn’t mean I’ll miss Don or listen to his podcast because I don’t want to hear about Brad Park eating hot dogs or Gary Cheevers taking a shit before overtime in 1978.

Now you get to hear him unfiltered, unaccountable and on-demand so it will be fascinating to see if people listen because they love him or listen because they’re out to get the poor bastard.

Unlike some of you, I wish Don well because I’m not a complete fucking moron hippie who bleeds patchouli and farts acorns.  I’m also not a white nationalist.  I just feel for the 85-year-old and the country he was trying to tell us to appreciate more.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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