Breaking: Ontario “Strongly Recommends” Wearing Masks. LOLOLOLOLOLOLZZZ

Nov 14, 2022

Today, Ontario made a mealy-mouthed announcement asking Ontarians to please, please, please wear a mask.

Doug’s pocket dildo, Dr. Kieran Moore, addressed the province this morning to tell us that Pediatric ICUs are filling up (They’re full –  128% capacity across the region), and it’s cold and flu season, so “pretty please” wear a mask. For the kids.

The same kids Kieran and his boss put in the hospital by basically banning masks in schools for teachers and students. 

Hospitals around the province are in chaos with significant staffing shortages, a hellish comeback flu season, and RSV (kiddie COVID).

There are so many kids at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto with RSV (kid’s Covid) that sick kids have postponed life-altering/saving surgeries for hundreds of desperate children. While we continue to be nimble and provide our exceptional standard of care, The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) unfortunately has no choice but to reduce surgical activity for the time being to preserve our critical care capacity. This will enable us to prioritize urgent, emergency and the most time-sensitive surgeries.  Endoscopy services and image-guided therapy will also prioritize urgent and inpatient cases. Our administrative teams will be contacting families whose scheduled procedures will be affected.

Our ICU census has been above 127 per cent capacity for several days and we have increased the number of patients with higher acuity outside of the ICU on our units. Well over half of the patients in the ICU, which includes our cardiac ICU patients, are currently on a ventilator. 

In addition, while we are working very hard and collaboratively with all our community partners, it appears that they have also reached their maximum capacity and we now find ourselves supporting our colleagues virtually to care for paediatric patients who would otherwise receive care at SickKids.

Doug’s answer? Cheaper gas and FUCK YOU.

Every Ontario Hospital, university, PHA, and medical professional NOT compromised by their fugazi religious beliefs has been BEGGING the Ford Government to help sick children and our hospitals by bringing mask mandates back (to schools at the very least), and there’s only one reason Doug won’t. It hurts his political fortune.

My feed has been inundated with videos of kids hooked up to breathing tubes and ventilators this month. It’s not an op or a campaign to force hillbilly Christians to wear masks. These are real Ontarians whose children are sick and dying from Covid and the flu, which is RAGING, and one of the most significant factors – no mask mandates.

It’s so bad Premier Doug Ford ignored every sick child in this province in favor of pimping a gas tax cut yesterday.

It’s settled science. You are putting a barrier between you and airborne viruses works. Like a filter for your furnace, depending on the mask. A simple cloth lowers positivity rates by 56%. Surgical masks? 66%. N95 respirator masks? 83%.

If every vaccinated person in Canada masked up for three months, we’d return to pre-flu. Pandemic season hospitalization numbers.

For that to happen, free will and responsible common sense must be present. We won’t get there thanks to a small group of militant assholes like Jamie Sale and the Children’s Health Defense, religious assholes, and seven conservative-owned central governments.

Loch’s poll was interesting. He’s in Alberta, so Albertans skew the results, but even in the face of 3 month old’s struggling to breathe, 34% of you said you don’t give a fuck about sick children.

It gets better.

Doug Ford’s campaign director and members of his senior staff blocked generic drug makers from selling kids’ cold and flu meds in Ontario a few years ago for a king’s ransom which is the entire reason we don’t have any kid’s pain relief meds in Ontario and Tempra is being sold for $300 per bottle on Kijiji.

Today’s announcement was a bullshit attempt to appease the same people whose kids, Doug Ford and the Ontario Government, are actively trying to hurt. Dr. Moore obfuscated the dire need for government intervention in schools by using the flu and cold season to bury RSV and the immediate need for masking in school settings.

They disregarded science and EVERY major hospital’s request for a mandate for a political solution that benefits Ontario’s Conservative fortunes and relationships.

That’s the game, kids. Look like you care while boot-fucking families for the privilege of stealing their tax dollars and the health of you and your kids.

This province doesn’t care about you, your kids, or your grandparents in LTC.

I don’t know how many examples you need before you start believing what you’re seeing.


PS: If you need the government to force you to do the right thing, you’re a useless member of society. We don’t need the gov to tell us when to wear a mask. A Tweet from Sick Kids or every hospital around the province and country is enough. Also, I have the ability to read and comprehend basic things, so masking is easy for us in the Blundell home.

We’re human.



Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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