CANADA’S Top Spy Agency: The Indian Government Illegally Helped (Name Rhymes With PeePee) Win The CONservative Leadership Race

Dec 11, 2023

So this explains A LOT…

Foreign Interference journalist Sam Cooper says the Indian Government, besties with former PM Stephen Harper, helped ONE candidate friendly to PM MOdi’s interests but selling/buying “fake” party memberships and telling other leadership hopefuls to fuck off.

Oh, and they did it with the help of street gangs, diplomats, hitmen, and BOATLOADS of foreign money/influence to help someone (Named Pierre Poilievre) win the Conservative Leadership.

The Bureau Substack Government of India agents appear to have interfered in the Conservative’s 2022 leadership race by purchasing memberships for one candidate while undermining another, and also boasted of funding “a number of politicians at all levels of government,” according to CSIS.

But the “Canadian Eyes Only” October 2022 report underlines that India is using the same corrosive tactics as Beijing. And allegations that India uses proxies to corrupt Canadian politicians have gained new urgency since CSIS filed this report.

That’s because an explosive U.S. Department of Justice indictment unsealed last week charges that Indian government agents were caught red-handed while directing international gangsters in assassination plots against a number of Sikh separatists in Canada and the United States.

The indictment suggests masked gun men that murdered Khalistan-separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Vancouver on June 18 were directed by the same Indian intelligence handler that subsequently accelerated a plan to murder Nijjar’s associate in New York City.

The terrifying connections between Indian security officials and transnational gangs revealed by this U.S. investigation, resemble similar criminal networks active in Beijing’s United Front-linked police stations and election interference in Canada, according to a new intelligence report from a Washington-based anti-corruption NGO.

The report says Canada is ill-equipped to deter a new lethal form of transnational crime that fulfills geopolitical objectives for states including China, Russia and Iran.

It isn’t clear whether Canada’s upcoming Foreign Interference Commission, which has been criticized for its narrow mandate, will examine the U.S. Justice allegations cited in this story, or evidence from RCMP that foreign states including China are employing organized crime proxies to interfere in Canada.


The October 2022 Intelligence Assessment says “a body of CSIS reporting since 2020 indicates that a Canadian GoI [Government of India] proxy agent continues to claim that they are providing electoral support – including significant amounts of money – to a number of politicians at all levels of government.”

It says the unidentified Indian agent is trying to keep pro-Indian politicians in office with clandestine funding, but also to forge “a bond with newly elected politicians who, in turn, will owe the proxy agent future favours.”

And like Chinese Communist Party-affiliated community leaders that attempt to corral Chinese-language voters for preferred candidates, CSIS says this Indian agent is “a gatekeeper for the sort of community support upon which political candidates rely for electoral success in ridings with a significant South Asian diaspora.”

AsThe Bureau recently reported, the Intelligence Assessment strongly suggests Beijing’s proxies infiltrated the Conservative’s federal leadership race in 2022, after leader Erin O’Toole was attacked with Chinese disinformation in the September 2021 election and failed to retain caucus support in the aftermath.

The document suggests India also tried to elect the Conservative’s new leader.

“CSIS intelligence indicates that the Government of India has engaged in Foreign Interference activities related to the leadership race for a political party in Canada,” the October 2022 report says.

It continues, saying “recent CSIS reporting indicates that a proxy agent claims the Government of India is providing support to an elected Canadian politician’s campaign for the leadership of a political party in Canada, by securing party memberships for that campaign.”

The elected Canadian politician isn’t identified.

The document says “separate CSIS reporting” alleges an Indian Consulate in Canada “informed a different leadership candidate who was running for the leadership of the same political party that he ‘cannot attend any Indian community events or events hosted by the [Consulate].’”

The October 2022 Intelligence Assessment says this unidentified leadership candidate had previously taken a policy position contrary to India’s interests, which is why India tried to hinder his campaign in the diaspora.

“This example [of election interference] highlights the degree of influence some foreign states can have over diaspora communities, acting as gatekeepers between elected officials and community organizations,” the document says.

Both the Greens and Conservatives had leadership races in 2022 but details of this case suggest the Conservatives were the party targeted by India.

Canada’s Foreign Interference Commission isn’t mandated to investigate China’s and India’s alleged clandestine support of some prominent Canadian politicians within party leadership races.

Conservative director of communications Sarah Fischer said the party and its leader Pierre Poilievre aren’t aware of the CSIS allegations reported in this story.

I’m sure you’re “not aware” of any CSIS allegations, Sarah. Your boss (Pierre Poilievere) *may (LOL) be the candidate the Indian government helped with the Conservative Leadership race by helping him fund a membership drive.

This explains Pierre’s support for the Indian Government after they gunned down a Canadian National in Vancouver a couple of years ago.

It explains his total disregard for Canadian Sovereignty and the life of that Canadian, Hardeep Singh Nijjar when he blamed Trudeau for having no respect for the Indian Government’s interest in killing Mr. Singh Nijjar on Canadian Soil.

This Explains his disinterest in a far-reaching Foreign Interference public hearing that includes Indian interference. It explains how PeePee sold Hundreds of thousands of party memberships in South Asian communities while other candidates flailed…

He didn’t. He (allegedly) had some help from the Government of India and Modi, former Conservative PM Harper’s best friend and hard right autocrat, Narendra Modi and an agent of his named Gupta, who was arrested in June on an international warrant related to several other assassination plots.

Comforting, huh?

Foreign governments have LONG poured resources into Canada. China, Russia, Iran, India. You name the Autocratic, dictatorial regime; they’re here. Working against all of us and WITH Political parties. Politicians are all whores so they’ll take what they can get from anyone, especially in the borderless world of identity politics and religious autocracy.

CSIS, Canada’s top spy agency, didn’t have to tell us the Conservatives willingly conspired with members of Stephen Harper’s IDU. If you’ve been paying attention, you already knew. If you listened to Pierre Poilievre or watched him support a foreign government’s right to murder Canadians on Canadian Soil, you knew. If you watched Conservatives vote against funding for Ukraine, you knew. If you’ve observed toned-down CCP rhetoric, you know.

And if you know anything about FOXHUNT or the arrest of Mr. Gupta by the FBI, you also know that Canada needs a very fucking serious public hearing and investigation into all political parties and their party members. I don’t give a shit who you vote for or who you support. ALL parties should be subjected to a foreign interference colonoscopy, and it should be televised.

It should be about Russia, China, Iran, the US, India, and any country sympathetic to the hard right ideologies espoused by those countries. I want to know more about Chinese deportation, which Trudeau still quietly supports. I want to know precisely WHICH leadership candidate from the Conservative Party used foreign involvement to win the conservative leadership race. I want to know who and what Russia supports regarding media and outreach into Canada. I want full financial accounting and new election laws that strictly forbid foreign interference in Canadian politics, business, and media. And I want this entire educational process played out on TV for the rest of Canada to see how deeply compromised we are.

Don’t tell me we can’t. Don’t argue over limiting the scope of any public hearing: assemble a team of experts to audit that top-secret information, and let’s bring our business, media, and political elite together to crack open their books and coms so Canadians can see who sold out our Sovereignty and national security for votes and influence.

Let’s see if PeePee is the “Leadership Candidate” who willingly took funds and help from India. No more ambiguous allegations. Lay that shit on Front Street.

If Trudeau is sympathetic to China’s deportation of Chinese nationals, as this week’s Fifth Estate suggests, let’s see that too.

If Russia is funneling money to Conservative think tanks and fake media outlets like Rebel News or into Stephen Harper’s IDU for things like “Freedumb Convoys,” let’s see it.

Democracy dies in the dark, ESPECIALLY when EVERY political party is hiding foreign interference to ANY extent. So, LET’S FUCKING SEE IT.

Because Canada doesn’t have RICO laws, proxy organizations sympathetic to international interests can operate freely as third-party agencies. Canada has HUNDREDS of “nonprofits” that pretend to be activist groups. Most are fronts for elites and idealogues who use third parties to rinse money and curate influence for foreign/business interests. That’s why so many third-party agencies (True North, Rebel, Canada Proud) go to great lengths to curate an innocuous “media/nonprofit” reputation while hiding their financial positions and funding information and where and how they spend that funding.

So, let’s see all that too. Then let’s put guardrails in place that don’t allow third parties, politicians, or media companies to accept ANY support from ANY nonprofit backed by ANY entity that impugns Canada’s Electoral Sovereignty.

Seems like a good place to start. If you give a shit about this country and the people in it whose forefathers and mothers died for an honest fucking vote.







Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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