Chris Sky: The Frightened Coward of Canada’s Anti-Vax Movement

I knew when I booked him that people would have a problem with it. That’s par for the course when you are open to interviewing anyone.
Chris Sky was scheduled to appear on Blackballed a few days ago. I had been dealing with dozens of angry people since posting the promo, people who are dead set against the very idea of “platforming” people they disagree with politically. Good news then, I thought, as I don’t recognize the term “platforming” and was about to embark on an interview instead.
Blackballed welcomes people who hate Chris Sky to the show @chrissaccoccia1 @jamesdifiore https://t.co/w4SzjrVmop
— James DiFiore (@jamesdifiore) February 16, 2023
To some there is no difference. To me the difference is self-evident. Interviewing only becomes platforming when you co-sign or endorse the views of the person you are speaking with. Otherwise, we used to just call these “interviews.”
No matter, as I’m used to getting blowback from people who didn’t appreciate me having the audacity to speak with Max Bernier, or Chelsea Hillier, or Christine Anderson, or Noam Chomsky. Yes, I had loads of conservatives who were livid that I interviewed Chomsky because he’s obviously a communist (he isn’t) and if I interview him, I must be a communist too (I’m not).
By the way, Noam Chomsky will be back on Blackballed on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2023. Don’t miss it, comrades!
Suffice to say, when Chris Sky canceled his appearance on Blackballed, a whopping 1 minute before we were scheduled to go live, many critics of mine were pleased. And for entirely different reasons, so was I.
I can imagine Chris Sky daydreaming about all the crowds clapping, cheering, crying as he descends in he helicopter…
…meanwhile… pic.twitter.com/bHlh3IN06V
— BitingOnTinfoil🟠 (@TrumpDownfall) May 23, 2021
Instead of having to deal with an obstinate conspiracy theorist, one who has a habit of interrupting his own meandering thoughts with another meandering thought, I spent the hour talking to my pals Spenny, Caryma S’ad and Paul Atkinson about how Holocaust deniers like Chris Sky are often sad little boys who cling to disinformation if it happens to fill an existing narrative.
Chris Sky repeats that both men who pulled up in front of him wore masks and had guns drawn with arms across their chest.
He hit the brakes to avoid causing an accident, then sped to get away.
After this, he went to his parents’ house instead of the gym.
— Caryma Sa'd – Lawyer + Political Satirist (@CarymaRules) February 15, 2023
Maybe that was one reason why Chris Sky bailed. After all, the Toronto mayoral hopeful is not used to answering questions, mostly because he will cut off the person asking and bury them under the weight of a seemingly endless pile of profound stupidity.
Despite being a 5 foot 3 mini monster of muscles and an alleged crippling cocaine abuser, he remained silent. In other words, he chickened out.
That’s ok though as I learned something; while I still maintain an overriding principle of knowing there isn’t anyone too controversial to interview, it doesn’t mean I have to invite those who were too cowardly to come in the first place back to the show.
I don’t know if I could last an hour without asking Chris Sky why he walks and talks like a tough guy when he’s clearly someone who turtles at the first hint of discomfort.