CRTC Chair Says He Won’t Regulate The Internet. CRTC Chair Says Canada Is TOTALLY Going To Regulate The Internet

May 19, 2022

I wonder if Ian Scott thinks before he speaks, ever.

In a surprisingly unbiased interview, CRTC Chair Ian Scott said he would NOT regulate user-generated content (the internet) and then talked about how they plan to control it.

National Post: The CRTC has no interest in regulating user-generated content should the Liberal government’s Bill C-11 become law, CRTC chairman Ian Scott said Monday.  “It is not the focus of the CRTC. Regulating it will not be in the public interest and will not contribute to the system,” Scott said at industry conference IIC Canada. “We have lots of things to do. We don’t need to start looking at user-generated content.”

Good start, but he’s lying. How do I know? I read the rest of the article.

Scott said even if the bill does give the CRTC that power, the commission won’t use it. “There’s just no purpose in regulating user-generated content,” he said.

“The suggestion that we will suddenly start regulating, you know, people’s home videos of their child’s baseball game is, on its face, silly,” Scott said. “If it’s the Blue Jays baseball game, yeah, we might have an interest.”

During a panel discussion at the same conference, a YouTube representative said it’s “very clear” that under the bill as it’s currently worded, the CRTC would have authority over user-generated content. Jeanette Patell, head of government affairs and public policy for YouTube Canada, said the bill is so broadly worded that it would capture “essentially everything on the Internet.”

That’s a bingo from the YouTube exec. Professor Michael Geist has been warning us for years, the world’s foremost legal mind regarding copyright and internet privacy/regulation. The Trudeau government plans on regulating the internet and all user-generated content (UGC) and wants the UBER crooked and useless CRTC to control it. All of it. Social media, Streaming platforms, etc.

Some have raised concerns that the CRTC, a broadcasting and telecom regulator, doesn’t have the expertise to take on the digital world. Scott pushed back against those criticisms Monday, calling them “perplexing” when it comes to Bill C-11.

“We’re talking about broadcasting. The commission has been regulating broadcasting for over 50 years. And I am, and the commission should be, indifferent to the source of that broadcasting,” he said.

“Whether you received it over-air from the transmitter, through a fibre or cable, through a broadcast distribution player or whether you picked it up off the Internet makes no difference.”

“We need to be able to develop a regime that applies equitable regulation. And that includes adjusting for different kinds of business models, different considerations,” he said. “But at the end of the day, they should all be making a reasonable contribution to the Canadian broadcasting system.”

Once Bill C-11 passes, the CRTC will be in charge of figuring out the details of how the new regulatory regime will work. Scott said the CRTC would do that through a “transparent public proceeding,” not in a “backroom.”

We’re talking about broadcasting. The Commission should be indifferent to the source of that broadcasting.
Whether you received it over the air from a transmitter, through a fiber or cable, through a broadcast distribution player, or whether you picked it up off the internet, it makes no difference.”
“We need to develop a REGIME that applies equitable regulation.”

How are we doing, Ian? When you granted this interview to the National Post, did you mean to say ALL the quiet parts out loud?

Holy shit, that’s funny. Scott started the interview by swearing up and down wasn’t going to regulate the internet and UGC, then gave serval examples to justify how important it is to regulate the internet and UGC, how EVERYTHING is broadcasting and that the source of that content in Canada doesn’t matter. They are coming for you.

Again, it’s called lying and Ian Scott is fucking terrible at it.  I guess that’s why his term isn’t being renewed and hes under investigation.

The Trudeau Government plans on putting the screws on the internet. They want to penalize you for the content they deem mean or offensive, and their MSM partners wish to do it too. They want to force unlicensed online content creators into the same regulatory funnel TV, radio, and print media to scrutinize and bug on behalf of MSM outlets losing money and influence to independent creators hand over fist.

Bill C-11 is vague for a reason. The CRTC and the TRUDEAU government are using it to solidify media oligopoly for MSM stakeholders while forcing 35 million Canadians into the same regulatory stream. The Trudeau government wants to clamp down/tax/regulate independent content creators to make it harder for them to compete with Bell/Rogers etc. It’s a huge favor and one that Bell CEO Mirko Bibic from Bell and Ian Scott (Chair of CRTC and former TELUS exec) have been working on for a long time.

Not only does the government plan on regulating you and me, but they also plan on minting Bell/Rogers/Telus/Shaw. They can continue increasing your internet/wireless rates so German investors can help Mirko Get his yearly multimillion-dollar bonus.

Last year Ian Scott arbitrarily reversed a decision to lower internet/wireless rates shuttering several small internet providers. That decision canceled millions in penalties levied against Rogers and Bell, who were guilty of INFLATING WHOLESALE RATES FOR YEARS. Scott and the CRTC met with Lobbyists and Bell/Rogers execs dozens of times – all off the record, which was intentionally NOT transparent – to conspire against small businesses and 35 million Canadians.

It was a twofer, and it came out of nowhere because it was secretive and illegal, and it’s why Ian Scott is currently under investigation.

Here’s the good news. You can make a difference.

Follow the link In Brittlestar’s Tweet and tell your MP to lower rates. Tell them you don’t feel like being penalized for live streaming your son’s B-day party, and you’re tired of Trudeau, Bell, and Rogers working against your wallet and freedom of speech.

With the stroke of a pen, Trudeau’s cabinet can stimulate the economy by powering small IPs by lowering wholesale rates.

Please stand up for your freedom of speech and say no to government regulation of free speech and tell your MP Ian Scott and Pablo Rodriguez are lying because they are.

They don’t just plan to monetize your content for them MSM; they plan to force you into the same regulatory stream they are legally bound to based on their incompetence.




Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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