Dear America: Yes, We Intentionally Walked Aaron Judge, No We Don’t Give A Shit, Signed Every Blue Jays Fan Everywhere

Sep 27, 2022

Cry me a river Yankees fans. I have said in this blog before that New York Yankees fans are probably one of the worst fans in sports. Entitled, is one word to describe them. I was glued to the TV last night too to see Aaron Judge possibly hit his 61st home run but I am also a Jays fan. When the opportunity came up with the game tied and the best hitter on the planet at the plate it made sense that the Jays intentionally walked him.

Was it bad for baseball, maybe? The MLB doesn’t even give a shit enough to do a cutaway when he is at the plate. I knew the fans were going to be mad and I knew the American media was going to be stupid about it. However, the media was EXTRA dumb today. Here is a glimpse into some of the talking points on American sports radio/tv about the Judge walk from our friend at Talkin Buds, Robert Furnish.

HA! Are you serious America, comparing this to Canadians cheering KDs injury in the finals? Go cry about it! The Jays are not interested in helping Aaron Judge get a Yankees record while trying to go to the playoffs.

Hot take: why is this record such a big deal? It’s just a Yankees record.

By the way, the Blue Jays gamble paid off, after the Judge walk we struck out Anthony Risso and then this happened.

The Jays now need to win 3-games to clinch a playoff spot. We don’t care about your record Aaron Judge and we don’t care for your crying American media.


Every Blue Jays Fan Everywhere

Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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