Did Justin Trudeau Just Ban Handguns AND Toy Handguns In Canada?

May 31, 2022

Kind of. Not really.

He’s freezing handgun sales FOREVER, banning a few more assault rifles while going after illegal weapons hoping to crack down on the sea of cross-border gun smuggling. Oh, he’s limiting ammo clips too.

No matter what side of the gun ownership argument you are on, you’re hard-pressed to convince the Majority of Canadians to support handgun ownership.

There’s no point. There are an estimated 1.1 million registered handguns in Canada. Despite handgun sales going up 71% in the last ten years, most of us don’t own guns.

Yesterday, Trudeau announced a federal freeze on handgun sales, banning some realistic toy guns. He plans to limit magazine capacities so extremist assholes can’t unlead more than five bullets into a mosque of peaceful people.

Makes sense to me.

Reuters: Canada’s government introduced legislation Monday to implement a “national freeze” on the sale and purchase of handguns as part of a gun control package that would also limit magazine capacities and ban some toys that look like guns.

The new legislation, which resurrects some measures that were shelved last year amid a national election, comes just a week after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers in their classroom in Uvalde, Texas.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters the new measures were needed as gun violence was increasing.

“We need only look south of the border to know that if we do not take action firmly and rapidly it gets worse and worse and gets more difficult to counter,” he said.

The handgun freeze would contain exceptions, including for elite sport shooters, Olympic athletes and security guards. Canadians who already own handguns would be allowed to keep them.

Authorities do not expect a run on handguns in anticipation of the freeze, in part because they are so heavily regulated already, an official said in a briefing.

Canada has stronger gun legislation than the United States but while its gun homicide rate is less than one-fifth the U.S. rate it is higher than that of other rich countries and has been rising. In 2020 it was five times Australia’s rate.

The rate in each of 2020 and 2017 was the country’s highest since at least 1997, according to Statistics Canada.

Canada banned the sale and use of some 1,500 models of assault weapons, like the AR-15 rifle, two years ago in the wake of a mass shooting in Portapique, Nova Scotia – a move some firearms owners say they are contesting in court. Speaking alongside Trudeau, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino confirmed the “imminent launch of the initial phase” of a program to buy back and compensate owners of such weapons.

While the Liberals have a minority of seats in Parliament, the legislation could pass with the support of the left-leaning New Democratic Party.

The planned legislation would prevent anyone subject to a protection order or who has engaged in domestic violence or stalking from obtaining or keeping a firearms license.

It will also require long-gun magazines to be permanently altered so they can never hold more than five rounds and will ban the sale and transfer of large-capacity magazines.

The new laws would also ban some toys that look like real guns, such as airsoft rifles. Last week Toronto police shot and killed a man carrying a pellet gun. read more

“Because they look the same as real firearms, police need to treat them as if they are real. This has led to tragic consequences,” Justice Minister David Lametti told reporters.

Tom Stamatakis, president of the Canadian Police Association, welcomed some of the moves, such as the “red flag” provisions in the case of domestic violence, and said he would like more information on enforcement and resources for measures such as the handgun freeze.

He completely supported a crackdown on fake guns, which he said were a “big challenge.”

“You cannot distinguish between what’s a replica firearm and what’s a real firearm, particularly when these incidences involving replica firearms occur often in very dynamic, quickly evolving circumstances.”

No doubt this is a response to what happened in Uvalde, Texas.

No doubt there is a shit load of PR capital in Trudeau doing this.

But not one Canadian citizen has yet to offer a coherent reason to own a handgun outside of target practice. Not one. Assault rifles too. “Because I want to” is the idiot’s argument in a country that takes gun control seriously.

Handgun/Assault rifle owners will tell you it’s unfair to prevent them from buying handguns when they were allowed to buy them yesterday. I’ve yet to hear any legitimate explanation for owning pistols that contributes positively to the greater good other than “target practice”.

Part of this announcement by Dunce Head includes harsher penalties for owning and or using an illegal firearm/handgun and more resources to weed out illegal smuggling guns, which is lip service and bullshit. Trudeau also failed to mention the $250 million set aside for the federal gun buy-back program (it’ll cost closer to 1 Billion), and the announcement was largely performative.

The problem? Weeding out illegal handguns and preventing unlawful smuggling of guns should have been the first announcement. Banning assault rifle and handgun sales is cool, but the focus should have been life sentences for any cock who brings an illegal/legal handgun to a fight instead of the firing range.

Guns kill people. Lots of people. Good people with assault rifles and handguns should be good with strict gun control laws if they have the intentions good people say they have when they complain about new gun control laws.

If you have a banned weapon, the government will buy it back.

If you have a registered handgun and you are responsible, keep it.

If you want an assault rifle or a handgun and this decision by the Trudeau government triggers you, get some fucking counseling and educate yourself on the need for a semi-automatic assault rifle in a country governed by reasonable limitations.

There is nothing reasonable in purchasing an AR-15 or handgun for ‘hunting.’ They were made to kill human beings, and the massacre of 22 people in a school last week should be the only risk assessment a human being needs to truly fucking get it.

I support responsible gun ownership and the rights of responsible gun owners.

I know this announcement was performative, but it just doesn’t matter. The end justifies the means. But we better take the assholes to task instead of penalizing responsible gun owners.

That’s something Trudeau would do.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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