Douchebag Hacks Gilbert Gottfried’s Twitter Account Hours After Death

Joe Williamson Apr 13, 2022

You know how sometimes I’ll write about how the internet isn’t all bad, and it does some good? This is not one of those articles. This is an example of what’s wrong with the internet.

Hours after Gilbert’s family posted this touching notification on his profile. Some douchbag hacker decided this was an opportune time to try and make a name for themselves.

I stumbled across it because a tweet that did not make any sense came from his account.

Then I started down this rabbit hole of seeing all the images and messages the hacker was sharing. They changed the bio, removed the in memorium post and acted like an assclown for 2hrs before someone from Gilbert’s side was able to restore sanity. I took as many screenshots as I could because I could not believe what I was witnessing. A recently deceased beloved comedian who brought laughter to millions was the target. I really hope our friends at Anonymous have some spare time to maybe pay these idiots a visit.

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Joe Williamson

Bald Canadian who didn’t play hockey until he was in his mid-thirties. Die hard Raptors fan who proudly admits he wept when they won it all. Loves talking parenting, politics, and all things pop culture.

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