Doug Ford Goes Full Trump – Cites “Privilege” In Legal Challenge To Avoid Convoy Subpoena Because He’s Hiding Everything

Oct 26, 2022

Doug Ford, the premier of Ontario, lies like he fucking breathes.

He’s also really fucking stupid. So I don’t think he remembers the lies or cares that he lies when his business relationships and donor funding is at stake.

Last week at a press conference, The Ontario Premier said he hadn’t been asked to appear in front of the Emergency Act Commission – the commission triggered by the use of the EA during the convoy. Naturally, you’d assume he would be a shoo-in to testify about a national insurrection in the province he runs, right? By law, there needs to be a public inquiry for ALL Canadians when the Emergency Act is activated, and he and the PM triggered it…


This week, EA hearing Lawyers subpoenaed Ford and his former Solicitor General, Sylvia Jones, saying both Jones and Ford had “refused multiple requests” to appear over the past few months. So, he lied.

(Theo’s THE BEST)

There you have it. Doug Ford lied about being asked to appear at the inquiry in front of a fucking camera, so how important is it to him not to testify, and why?

GREAT question.


  1. Doug’s people know he’s too stupid to sit and testify in front of anyone without that blue debate binder or an earpiece with an aide on the other end. Why do you think his handlers canceled every debate and refused reporters Q and A’s?
  2. Doug is guilty AF of extreme dereliction, duty, breach of contract, and commitment to the people of Ontario. He and the Ontario Conservatives operate with extreme prejudice against the people of this province.

In September, the commission started asking to meet with Ford and Jones. Ford’s lawyers said FUCK YOU.

So what did Ford do? He cherry-picked two pasties to appear instead of Himself and his Solicitor General because he’s guilty as fuck. So is his Sea Hag Minister Sylvia Jones.

Doug Ford’s lawyers filed a motion to stay (kill) the subpoena before it takes effect, saying that Ford and Jones are too important to appear before the commission and are demanding the federal government’s EA commission Fuck off and pay for it the privilege.




“Irreparable harm will come to the province if Doug and Sylvia are forced to testify, and we already told you we’re pulling the executive privilege card without merit or reason, making the EA act law to testify useless because we’re guilty as fuck and total criminals who hate the people of this province.”

So fucking soft.

That’s what that court filing says to me. It should say the same thing to you.

While Doug Ford is Hiding, His Communications Secretary’s live Boyfriend, Brian Lilley, is launching bullshit distraction stories in the Doug Ford Daily Bugle (Toronto Sun ) which is owned and operated by US-based Chatham Asset Management) and Doug’s brother’s former Coms director, noted conservative dirtball, Adrian Batra.

The fix isn’t just “IN.” The fix is a strategy for Doug Ford:

Ontario Conservatives. Lie, Hurt Ontarians, Lie, Hurt Ontarians, Lie, Hurt Ontarians.

Then steal their money for highways no one wants, shit on teachers, and destroy health care to enrich conservative donors and friends.

Lie, Hurt Ontarians.

Foment a national insurrection for political capital and your federal conservative friends, Lie, Hurt Ontarians, pretend you don’t know what’s going on, then claim executive privilege when you get caught.

Then laugh at how many people they hurt/killed over a nice steak dinner run by Ron Taverner, Ford’s fixer.

That’s how we’re governed – by businessmen and women who stole or were bequeathed their privilege and who think they are above the law they subject us to depending on what’s suitable for their bank accounts and political careers.

And when they get caught, flood the zone with bullshit farmed by paid operatives banging people who work for you.

Politics is a greasy business, and Conservatives across this country are nothing more than a greasy criminal enterprise of theocratic millionaires who view us as human capital/speedbumps.

Doug Ford and this government ARE the Freedumb Convoy, and NONE of what happened in Ottawa would have been possible if Doug Ford and the Ontario Conservatives had done the jobs they swore an oath to do.

Good News? You’re about to see one of the best stalemates in Canadian political and legal history, so get your popcorn ready! Federal law trumps provincial law when the EA act is triggered unless Dougie gets a conservative-friendly judge to adjudicate this motion. Under oath, he’ll be perjuring himself in the next couple of weeks.

Because he’s THAT stupid.




Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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