Doug Ford: Kids Won’t Get Covid Because “They Have Smaller Lungs So They’re Breathing In Less” Disease

Mar 19, 2022

He’s so fucking stupid.

He really said this so he really thinks kids will be fine because they breathe less air by volume.

Doug Ford is the Premier of the biggest Province in Canada, and he really thinks this is true.  Not comforting.

It’s hard to comprehend.  Does he say shit like this and think “there isn’t a doctor or human alive who will look into the legitimacy of what I just said.”

That’s now how it works, Doug you stupid fuck.

This is who Doug is.  He lies – religiously.  He serves a master, not the people of Ontario.  He’s willing to sacrifice your child’s life for maskless campaign pictures, justifying it by telling you your kids will be fine because “they breathe less air”.

If we, as human beings, don’t vote this brain dead, evangelical criminal out of office, on June 2, we are FUCKED.  You’re fucked, I’m fucked and this entire province with be fucked for a very long time.  Doug wants to cripple you and your family then tell you he’s the only one who can help you walk again.  He’s the more discerning version of Donald Trump if Donald Trump was just a little bit more of a fucking coward.

Fuck Doug Ford and the Ford Family.  They are too dumb, too religious, and too compromised to be of use to humanity.  They are all pussies who cling to fringe ideologies that support their criminal selfishness.  They lack value, character, and basic cognitive ability and that’s how Doug governs.  Void of concern for the greater good as long as his wants and the wants of his equally stunned family are met and they are ALL virulent anti-vaxxers who think Mary was a virgin when she spit out the Christ and masks/vaccines are a sin against the Lord.

You’d need to be mentally challenged to believe in Noah’s Ark so his medical assessment of kids and their ‘smaller lungs’ fit right in.  Maybe he needs to go.  They all do.





Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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