Doug Ford, “Mr X” a dude named “Phoenix Kiss” and a $200k Maserati: The latest In Ontario’s #Greenbelt Scandal Is Bananas

Sep 2, 2023

Don’t tell me Ontario isn’t the most magically corrupt place outside Chicago in the 30s.

And don’t tell me Doug Ford isn’t the dumbest chud on the planet.

In one week, Ontario Premier, Ontario Premier Doug Ford has disappeared into a cum sock of a corrupt government; everyone is lawyering up, and a little-known company of questionable cartoon characters with close ties to EVERYONE who benefitted from the scam, including them.

According to NUMEROUS reports, Based on Ontario’s Integrity Commissioners sworn report on the Ford Government’s handout of BILLIONS in protected land to Doug Ford’s wedding guests and family friends (developers), it was facilitated by a little-known company full of extras from Dodgeball and Batman with VERY close ties to Doug Ford, Pierre Poilievre, and a couple of MAGA nuts.

The Trillium: Ontario’s Integrity Commissioner left something out of the bombshell report on Housing Minister Steve Clark this week: the identity of an unregistered lobbyist who allegedly helped get a piece of land in Clarington out of the Greenbelt.

Commissioner J. David Wake referred to the lobbyist as “Mr. X” in his report — not to raise the level of intrigue — because he’s prohibited by law from stating whether an investigation is being conducted or not into a lobbyist.

Wake’s report alleges that Mr. X had a contract that would see him paid $1 million if the property on Nash Road in Clarington was successfully removed from the Greenbelt and rezoned. Such lobbying success fees are illegal in Ontario. It’s lobbyists’ own responsibility to ensure they comply with the Lobbyists’ Registration Act, the sectorial law.

The report contained some other tidbits about Mr. X: he is said to have boasted about having a “friendly” contact in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and allegedly told his client he was entertaining two key figures in the report, Ryan Amato, Clark’s chief of staff who oversaw the Greenbelt project, and deputy chief of staff Kirstin Jensen.

In mid-September, as the project to remove land from the Greenbelt was underway, the report says he wrote this to his client: “I have a lunch meeting next week with Kirstin and the Chief of Staff Ryan D’Amato (sic) is coming as well. Ours is the only file that I am discussing. I also have them coming to golf at Goodwood in 2 weeks with me and to. Raptors game (sic).”

Amato told the commissioner he could have got information about the Nash Road property from Mr. X, but denied going to the lunch, golfing and the Raptors game. Jensen said she only attended a lunch on Sept. 27 and at it accepted something from Mr. X that she passed on to Amato.

The Nash Road property details were included in the first package Amato gave to ministry officials on or around Oct. 3, Wake wrote.

Mr. X was not interviewed during the integrity commissioner’s inquiry and has not had a chance to respond to any of the evidence gathered and offer his evidence as to what occurred

Wake withheld details about this lobbyist’s identity for a few reasons, including because Mr. X wasn’t his investigation’s subject, and because evidence that he could provide wasn’t absolutely necessary for it.

On Friday, The Trillium spoke to numerous sources about who Mr. X could be. Just one name came up from both those close to the events described in Wake’s report and those who relied on the evidence the integrity commissioner provided: John Mutton, Clarington’s former mayor.

Mutton did not answer a call made to him around noon on Friday, nor did he return a voice mail. Just before then, Mutton changed his Instagram account, which has almost 40,000 followers, to being private.

However, Mutton told the Toronto Star that he has worked for Peter Tanenbaum, owner of the company holding the land on Nash Road that was removed from the Greenbelt, but not as a lobbyist.

“I’m not a lobbyist. I have a development services company where we provide planning, engineering, and everything,” he told the Star.

“I’ve never been contracted to do any type of lobbying to get any lands out of the Greenbelt.”

Mutton also told the Star he did not know the identity of the Mr. X described in the integrity commissioner’s report.

Tanenbaum did not return messages requesting comment Friday.

Ford’s and Clark’s offices also hadn’t responded to emails from The Trillium seeking to confirm Mutton as Mr. X.

Mutton was identified as being Mr. X by one Conservative source close to the events last fall, plus another who is well-connected with the PC Party.

Among the few clues Wake gives about Mr. X’s identity are the fact that he is a former municipal politician and that he wasn’t among the 61 witnesses who were interviewed in the Clark investigation.

“There’s very few people who fit that description,” another well-connected Conservative source said.

A fourth Conservative source deduced the same. “There’s only one guy who does GR (government relations) in Clarington who’s a former municipal official,” they said.

A fifth Conservative source recalled that Mutton had worked to help Tanenbaum arrange meetings with MPPs in the Durham region during the Ford government’s first mandate.

(weightlifter/fixer John Mutton, dipped in chocolate)

Around a year ago, Mutton posted a photo on LinkedIn of him, Clark, and Scott McFadden, then-Cavan Monaghan’s mayor, with the caption, “We are proud to be the leading firm in turning out Ministers (sic) Zoning Orders. #mzosrus.”

Ontario’s housing minister can issue minister’s zoning orders (MZOs) to override local planning decisions and fast-track developments. The Ford government, with Clark as housing minister since its election in 2018, has issued MZOs at an unprecedented rate.

Neither Mutton nor anyone else associated with Municipal Solutions has ever registered to lobby in Ontario, the provincial registry shows. Nor are they listed in the 10 municipal lobbying registries in the province either.

Another reason Wake didn’t disclose Mr. X’s identity is that Mr. X isn’t a registered lobbyist.

Mutton is an avid social media user, regularly posting photos of himself with various ministers in the Progressive Conservative government, including on several occasions over the last few years with Premier Doug Ford and Environment Minister David Piccini. Piccini represents Northumberland—Peterborough South, a riding near Durham region, for the Progressive Conservatives.

Piccini’s office didn’t respond before this story was published to an email The Trillium sent seeking to confirm Mutton as Mr. X.

Here’s your boy:

HMMM. We should also investigate Munisoil, Municipal Solutions Energy, and Infrastructure LLP!

If John’s name sounds familiar, it’s because you have. He was in the news in 2007 when he admitted to abusing his wife.

Aside from some documented drunken domestic abuse, John, the former mayor of Clarington, Ontario, turned “lobbyist” and “smooths” things over for “special” clients in conservative circles. A fixer of sorts. He’s a fixer who apparently can’t fix the narrative that he helps politicians and wealthy assholes rip off taxpayers in land grabs for wealthy developers. In return, he allegedly landed a 1 Million dollar bonus from SOMEONE on the developer side.

Now, we wouldn’t know any of this had John not stunted the fuck out of his new money all over social media in pictures and videos featuring the spoils of war against YOU. It’s a major no-no in actual gang circles. But John Mutton is a fucking moron, and here we go!

Someone there’s a developer pal of Mr. Mutton’s shaking his head with a glass of bourbon in a dimly lit room that smells of RICH mahogany.

EVERY outlet not owned by Post Media (Doug’s friends run Post Media) is running with this story today. They are all connecting Ford and his government to the developers in question, and they are all doing it through Mr Mutton and his staff, and that NEVER happens in this fucked up province. When the kept Ontario media starts naming names, it’s fucking ON.

Speaking of names, let’s talk about “Phoenix Kiss”. Mr. X’s “Fixer”. LOLZ

“Phoenix Kiss” is where ear hair dies, by the way.

The dude shaved his entire head and went with the mob boss ring/cigar combo with a pocket square, but he missed a bushel of ear hair?? TERRIBLE attention to detail. Not my kind of fixer. And yes. Doug Ford uses These kinds of people to do his “work.”


Mr. Kiss’s job description doesn’t sound like work. But then again, these guys don’t work. They just get paid to carry mail between billionaires and politicians.

Speaking of unsightly hair, John may have hidden some secret papers in Ana Condic’s Eyebrow: She’s the “weed and shroom” part of the “Municipal Solutions” team, and I can’t stop laughing.

Everyone needs a former fitness pro and European “model” from Croatia specializing in magic mushrooms and weed with access to “experienced knowledge hubs.” Whatever the fuck that is.

I’m unsure who this guy is, but cops must check his browser. Stat.


Why All of This Matters

Because it smells like shit, that’s why. It’s unfair, and the process was corrupt as fuck, and we can all see it. Ford and his housing minister admitted it was wrong for chrissakes.

Also, you catch big fish with smaller fish. Trump’s Georgia indictment is a great example. At least 8 of the indicted “Trump 19” cooperate with Jack Smith because they stand to lose way more than the guy they were criminally involved with.

Rats tend to sing when cornered, and the staff at Municipal Solutions are bit players for other people. Canada doesn’t have racketeering laws, but I’m sure the RCMP investigating the Ford government looks forward to sitting down with Mr. X and his “staff.”  I hope they interview Pheonix Kiss’s ear hair, too.

The best explanation for these explosive allegations comes from Frank Domenic. It’s less than 90 seconds, so you have no excuse not to watch it. I’m serious.

(bonus Pheonix Kiss ear hair hot shots)

Mr Mutton’s doesn’t just work for Doug Ford’s provincial conservative government. He’s doing A LOT of work for CPC Leader Pierre Poilievere as I type this if he’s not scrubbing his social media right now.

John Mutton. International superstar. Maybe the RCMP or CSIS should ask about his ties to MAGA. And yes, I said that for a reason. Let’s have some fun and figure out where this thread ends. All we have to do is keep pulling on it.

Poor John. Looks like he doesn’t have a lot to pull on.



Doug Ford & Friends Break the Greenbelt


Big ups to Narwal, The Star, and The Trillium reporters. Don’t stop. Never stop. And let’s get some reporting on this weirdness.





Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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