Doug Ford, Under RCMP Investigation, Fired Government Employee Who’s Job It Is To Report On Government Corruption Because Doug Ford Is Corrupt AF

Dec 7, 2023

Another day, another “Holy Fuck, Ontario is run by a mobster” moment.

The Attorney General of Ontario was summarily shit-canned after releasing a NUCLEAR report on the straight-up corruption in Doug Ford’s Conservative Government.

Then Doug Announced that he and the rest of the Government would take two months off because who wants to answer questions about all the theft, insider dealing, lying, and corruption in reports by his Government’s hand?


More like, what DIDN’T happen?

The (former) AG’s report detailed the following:

(The (former) AG’s report detailed a laundry list of deficiencies and corruption from gutting health care with private interests to friendly deals for his Therne Spa friends that want us to pay for a parking garage for a European Mega Spa).

The Trillium:Critics of the Ford government got hundreds of pages of ammunition in a massive report released by Ontario’s auditor general Wednesday morning.

Acting auditor general Nick Stavropoulos’s annual report contains a dozen value-for-money audits, many of which back up long-standing criticisms of the government on its most sensitive issues.

The 800-plus page report contained criticisms of the government’s plan to move the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place, its stewardship of the environment, the staffing crisis in health care, and how partisanship has been infused in taxpayer-funded government advertising.

When Stavropoulos delivered the report at Queen’s Park in the morning he told reporters he was hoping to learn if he’d lose “acting” from his title, which would put in him the role for a decade.

Hours later, MPPs agreed to appoint Shelley Spence, who’s worked as an account and auditor for thirty years and was selected by a bipartisan committee.

The government then moved to adjourn the chamber’s business until the New Year, a move that was cast by opposition parties as an attempt by Premier Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives as an attempt to flee from accountability for the tumultuous fall sitting that was capped by revelations in the auditor’s report.

NDP Leader Marit Stiles said the report confirms what she’s been saying all along: “The Conservatives have spent a whole year unilaterally ramming through unpopular policies with complete disregard for how their bad planning was impacting regular people. They’ve wasted Ontarians’ time and they’ve wasted their tax dollars too.”

Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie wasn’t at Queen’s Park, but said on X that the report “reaffirms just how incompetent and out of touch this failed Conservative government really is.”

And Green leader Mike Schriner said it “clearly shows that the Ford government doesn’t really give a damn about what ordinary Ontarians think about, doesn’t ask them, doesn’t listen to them.”

Paving paradise at Ontario Place

One audit validates a key criticism of the government’s decision to move the Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place: its relocation is being used to justify a taxpayer-funded parking lot for a private spa on the waterfront.

Hundreds of new nearby parking spots must be comped by provincial taxpayers to accommodate leases signed by spa-builder Therme and amphitheatre-operator Live Nation at Ontario Place, the auditor’s report revealed.

If new parking isn’t built between 2028 and 2030, taxpayers will be footing an unspecified bill as a penalty.

The auditor’s report also poked holes in the business case for the Ontario Science Centre’s move that Infrastructure Ontario released earlier in the week and the government has used as justification for the facility’s move. That business case lacked key considerations, Stavropoulos’ report determined, including proper consultations.

Health-care emergency

In a trio of reports, the auditor general documented the deterioration of Ontario’s health-care system caused by the cascading effects of staffing shortages.

The report finds Bill 124, which limited annual wage increases for many public workers, including nurses, to one per cent for three years, was a contributing factor to the staffing crisis — a primary concern of the government’s critics.

Another factor identified by the AG is the proliferation of for-profit staffing agencies, which critics charge the government has failed to control.

The AG detailed how the impact of the staffing flight from health care is felt across the system, centring on overcrowded — or closed — emergency departments.

Patients are waiting longer to be seen by doctors in emergency departments and waiting longer for in-patient beds — and that’s when emergency departments are open. While unplanned ED closures were very rare before 2019-20, the auditor tracked over 200 of them by June 2023, by which point the province had not yet made a comprehensive plan to prevent them.

Staffing shortages are particularly acute in the north, where hospitals have to rely more on agency nurses, paying about three times the cost of staff nurses, including profit margins for the companies, in addition to travel costs. The overreliance on agency staff was primarily caused, according to one northern hospital, due to a mass exodus of nurses because of the pandemic and Bill 124.

The crunch is also felt in long-term care, where at least a quarter of all homes failed to consistently reach the province’s vaunted targets for direct-care hours in 2021-22 and 2022-23.

Health Minister Sylvia Jones defended her government, citing its efforts to increase health-care workforce through immigration and training and her overall budget of over $80-billion.

Environmental oversight, democratic input lacking

Stavropoulos found the Ford government is playing fast and loose with the Environmental Bill of Rights, which ostensibly enshrines Ontarians’ rights to provide feedback on laws that affect the environment. 

Among other examples, he pointed to the “sweeping” and now-reversed Greenbelt and municipal plan legislation, writing that the government “made key changes quickly and without adequate public consultation. These changes affected conservation authorities, heritage protection, municipal parkland and infrastructure, wetlands, regional planning and planning appeal rights.”

Stavropoulos’ report also found little oversight of aggregate extraction — the sand, gravel and stone dug or blasted out of pits and quarries and used in nearly all construction projects. Ministry inspectors found less than half of inspected sites satisfactory between 2018–2022, with operators failing to submit reports, pay annual fees or keep to their extraction limits. Three companies blew past their annual extraction limit by over 1,000 per cent but the province didn’t pursue penalties, the AG found.


The Ford government’s two highest-cost advertising campaigns “would not have passed” the auditor’s review under previous, stricter government ad-spending laws, the report said. These ad campaigns were focused on promoting the government’s health-care and education policies. Of the $28.86 million in advertising spending that the auditor general had the authority to examine — which, under current law, excludes many digital ad buys — about 80 per cent was spent on these two campaigns alone.

“Our office concluded that the primary objectives of these ads and/or information on their respective websites was to foster a positive impression of the government,” the auditor general wrote in his report.

These two campaigns, however, complied with “the narrow definition of ‘partisan’” under current government advertising laws. Under former premier Kathleen Wynne, the Liberals changed these laws to loosen the definition of “partisan.” Before then, the auditor’s office used its discretion to determine what crossed the line, and the PCs had promised to restore the previous level of oversight.

When the Wynne government gave the auditor authority over digital ads, some forms of advertising weren’t included. As a result, $4.86-million worth of digital ads — 14 per cent of all government advertising spending — weren’t scrutinized by the auditor general’s office. 

In total, the provincial government spent $33.72 million on advertising in the last fiscal year. Twice as much taxpayer dollars were spent in each of the past two years, which is attributed to increased advertising during the pandemic for campaigns to promote things like health guidance and COVID-19 vaccination.

This AG report follows two other reports that have led to an earnest and ongoing investigation into international money laundering and government criminality by Canada’s RCMP’s special task force. Ford and his Government are in the barrel. Right now. This report bolsters the corrupt narrative and clarifies his malfeasance and disdain for the people of this province and their money. Every backroom deal benefits him.

Greenbelt land giveaway to his donor friends.

He is gutting public nursing by driving up health care costs with private nursing agencies that his predecessor’s wife and other friends owned.

He was moving Ontario Science Center to Ontario Place for his friends (Casino owners) to build a spa so Doug could co-opt enough parking spaces to make it happen for his friends.

Using 25 million in taxpayer money for a marketing campaign to tell you all his corruption isn’t corruption.

Him, him, him. And his party of Hims and Hers who get their backs scratched with a bump in MP pay and other “perks” available to the most loyal insiders like his “nephew” Michael Ford and his “friend” Kinga Surma.

If You Flood The Zone With Corruption, It’s Hard To Prosecute

We become numb to this shit. The more corruption we see, the more we disengage. We assume “this is how it is” and step back into the personal. We get busy just trying to affect change for ourselves in a corrupt ecosystem and assume the effort to bring change is futile.

That’s what Doug’s team and the Canadian Conservative brain trust want. For you and me to buy their prison gruel messaging.

“You’ll get what you’ll get and won’t be upset.”

When you can’t track your Premier’s criminality because the bucket of corruption is overflowing, you’ve done a great job if you’re a Conservative politician. You’ve arrived at Chaos, and you can hide a lot of corrupt shit behind other evil shit. Like having a messy bedroom, it’s hard to know where to start with Doug’s corruption.

Envelopes with cash at “Stag and Doe’s?”

Is he not using his government-issued cell phone, ever?

You were gifting Billions in environmentally sensitive land to the same developer/donor friends that came to your house with mittfuls of untraceable cash as a ‘wedding gift’ for your daughter?

Therme Spa taxpayer-funded buildout featuring a dude who was allegedly involved in the purchase of your family-run business?

Moving a heritage destination (OSC) so you can co-opt their parking allowance for your Spa/Casino friends, completely disregarding a business plan, consultation, or taxpayer burden/implications.

They were removing legal recourse for any family whose family member (s) was abused or died in Long Term Care during the pandemic, et al.

Stealing $25 million in taxpayer $ to fund an ad campaign to tell you they’re doing all this FOR YOU.

To name a few.

I hope to trust government officials one day. I don’t trust Doug Ford because I know too much about Doug Ford and not from salacious Ford-hating Tweets. He’s corrupt. He’s formless and opportunistic and lies like he breathes.

When he gets caught, he gets folksy and puts out a video about dogs featuring his Coms director’s dog or says, “Sorry I got caught, I was just trying to help,” then we reset our trust in the most untrustworthy shit in Ontario.

And he’ll do it again, and again, and again. Suckerz.







Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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