George Springer is everything you want in a ball player

May 2, 2022

When the Toronto Blue Jays signed George Springer they were getting a guy who was going to deliver at the plate and make plays in the outfield. They were also getting a guy who was one of the main characters in a cheating scandal that has stained anybody associated with the Houston Astros. I haven’t heard a lot about the scandal since Springer arrived in Toronto, which is not surprising.

As a fan of the New England Patriots in the NFL, I’ve had no choice but to adopt the “If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying” montra. However, as Mr.Baseball (Jared Carrabis) says himself, isn’t it time to stop villainizing George Springer?

Springer is a great fit in Toronto. The Blue Jays roster is so fun to watch. Not only are they getting done on the field, the dugout looks like the happiest place on earth. One of my issues with baseball is, guys take it so fucking serious. You’re playing a game that out of shape drunks play every Thursday night, and you’re getting paid millions of dollars to do it. Just have fun. Fun is exactly what Toronto presents on a daily basis. Blue Jays fans have had a lot of rough times, outside a couple of seasons in the mid-2010’s. I’m thrilled to see the players enjoying themselves and the fans embracing the team. Springer is apart of that group, and he makes it look like he’s in Toronto his entire career. 

But how do other baseball fans feel?

I am writing this blog in real time. I’ve been going through the comments and thought it was going to be littered with “Springer is a cheater” or “once a cheater always a cheater”. 20-comments deep, and they’re all like the one above. I also think Mike nailed it. Springer is everything you want in a ball player, “His enthusiasm, his bat, glove, and hustle”.

The original title for this blog was “Is George Springer Still A Villain? Based on what I’m see so far, I’m changing the title to whatever it says on the website.

23-comments in (Yes I counted), I found the first person who had any sort of negative undertone to their tweet, and it was basically, ya it’s time to let it go. I am curious if Springer would have signed with a team like the New York Yankees or Boston Red Sox, if he would be forgiven by fans around the MLB for what happened in Houston. Is it being in Toronto? Is it being around the youth, and the excitement that is painting Springer in a different light? For the sake of my city, I’d like to hope so. 

There you have it, I came into this blog ready to be aggressive, ready to tell some people to #GFY (Get your #GFY merch), but I’m feeling really good right now. Clearly George Springer is everything you want in a ball player… I think we just found our title.  

Let’s just enjoy George.

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