Gold Miners Found A 30,000 Year Old, Fully Intact, Baby Woolly Mammoth In Canada’s Yukon. LET’S CLONE IT!

Jun 26, 2022

You know what side of the moral equation I’m on. As soon as I saw this 30,000-year-old baby dinosaur, my first thought was, “Clone that shit!”

Source: On June 21, 2022, a near-complete, mummified baby woolly mammoth was found in the Klondike gold fields within Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin Traditional Territory. Miners working on Eureka Creek uncovered the frozen woolly mammoth while excavating through the permafrost. This is a significant discovery for Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin and the Government of Yukon. Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin Elders named the mammoth calf Nun cho ga, meaning “big baby animal” in the Hän language.

The Yukon has a world-renowned fossil record of ice age animals, but mummified remains with skin and hair are rarely unearthed. Nun cho ga is the most complete mummified mammoth found in North America.

This recovery could not have happened without the collaboration between Brian McCaughan of Treadstone Mining, Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin and the Government of Yukon. In the months to come, Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin and the Government of Yukon will work together to respectfully preserve and learn more about Nun cho ga and share these stories and information with the community of Dawson City, residents of the Yukon and the global scientific community.

What a find. I still say we clone these things asap, and Harvard scientists say the same thing.

Using recovered DNA to “genetically resurrect” an extinct species — the central idea behind the Jurassic Park films — may be moving closer to reality with the creation this week of a new company that aims to bring back woolly mammoths thousands of years after the last of the giants disappeared from the Arctic tundra.

Flush with a $15 million infusion of funding, Harvard University genetics professor George Church, known for his pioneering work in genome sequencing and gene splicing, hopes the company can usher in an era when mammoths “walk the Arctic tundra again.” He and other researchers also hope that a revived species can play a role in combating climate change.

“We are working towards bringing back species who left an ecological void as they went extinct,” the company, Colossal, said in answer to questions emailed by NPR. “As Colossal actively pursues the conservation and preservation of endangered species, we are identifying species that can be given a new set of tools from their extinct relatives to survive in new environments that desperately need them.”

What could go wrong other than everything you’ve seen in Jurassic Park movies. Spielberg wants to scare us away from fucking with Mother Nature, and if Jeff Goldblum was right (“Nature always finds a way), we just need to get the ball rolling with a few Elephant/Mammoth clones for the species to make an arctic comeback, and I’d love to see it.

A wooly mammoth boom is just what a divided world needs—a distraction. Bringing a species back after a 20,000-year hiatus would do the trick.

These giants present an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to sell $5000 mammoth rides, mammoth burgers, etc. That’s why Harvard genome scientists were just given a $15 million grant to splice DNA from Mammoths with Elephant DNA.

Christians will HATE it. Zoologists will love it, and Russians will turn them into pets which is fine by me because it’s not a fucking T-Rex.



Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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