TV’s greatest Dad is celebrating his 67th and he doesn’t look a day over 34. (Remember when TV’s greatest Dad was a debate and people would defend Cosby with the passion of a thousand suns?)
How can I possibly know the exact date of a fictional character? Well, thanks to some detailed animator 30 years ago (and tons of nerds with free time on their hands) we have Homer’s official date of birth revealed during season 4, episode 16 (“Bart The Lover” – classic episode!) when we get a quick glimpse of his driver’s licence.
So there you have it! A throwaway sight gag becomes Simpsons canon for all eternity.
Careful what you animate, kids!
Joe Williamson
Bald Canadian who didn’t play hockey until he was in his mid-thirties. Die hard Raptors fan who proudly admits he wept when they won it all. Loves talking parenting, politics, and all things pop culture.