Happy Birthday Michael Jackson You Dead Bastard!

Joe Williamson Aug 29, 2022

Happy Birthday Michael Jackson you dead bastard!

For those who don’t know TODAY is the famously accused, but never convicted, child molesters’ birthday and boy do I have a viral video for you.

@Joeslife_20 on TikTok is an MJ tribute dancer because, despite all the alleged molesting, MJ was one hell of a dancer and Joe here shows us how Michael executed one of his most famous moves.


Last time I’ll be showing how it’s done, gunna blast hatful stuff just keep scrolling😁 #viral #UnlimitedHPInk #michaeljackson #tutorial #joeslifefam

♬ Smooth Criminal (2012 Remaster) – Michael Jackson

Joe makes it look easy despite the fact that there is a 100% chance I would break my ankle and probably blow out my hamstring attempting this move.

I look forward to Joe’s next video where he shows us MJ’s most famous move of all time. Avoiding prison.

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Joe Williamson

Bald Canadian who didn’t play hockey until he was in his mid-thirties. Die hard Raptors fan who proudly admits he wept when they won it all. Loves talking parenting, politics, and all things pop culture.

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