Hello, I’m Griff…. I Love Hockey

Aug 14, 2022

Hello Folks,

My name is Griff Bordignon and I am the new guy here at the Dean Blundell Network. I will be your hockey guy talking, writing and doing goofy TikTok videos telling you who to bet on for that day.

I’m going to cut to the chase. I may not be the best person when it comes to grammar, and sometimes, you can’t always take some of myToronto Maple Leafs takes seriously. But, you should definitely take my bets seriously.

I’m just a typical Canadian guy who loves the game of hockey. I’m a husky beer league goalie with a mild gambling problem. I’m a good Canadian boy from the GTA who’s going to be your guide on how to win some money for this upcoming NHL season.

I started creating TikToks like a lot of other people when the wonderful COVID 19 pandemic decided to take over the world. Like you, I was stuck at home bored. It wasn’t however until the 2021-2022 NHL season when I really started honing and creating sports betting videos… YOu have to check out my Freaky Friday videos.

I bet on all sports. Even though I am a hockey guy, I have a football podcast called YWC Football Talk. I hang with my friends and host various NFL guests discussing all aspects of the game.

I’m super excited to get started here at the Dean Blundell Network as the hockey guy. Even though it’s only the middle of August, get ready, because player and team props are going to be coming in hot. I’ve got a lot of exciting angles to cover about the sport on ice, so stay tuned.

Griff Bordignon

Hi, my name is Griff and I'm a complete sports nut. I love to play sports, watch sports and most importantly bet on sports too. If I'm not watching or betting on sports, you can find me on the golf course, between the pipes as your average beer league goaltender. Although sports take up most of my life, I also love spending time with my two dogs, streaming usually a 90's Simpson's or attempting to read more books.

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