Help Our Friend Alex Dayrabekov Feed And Clothe Hundreds Of Our Ukrainian Brothers And Sisters

Apr 15, 2022

We pulled the trigger on our merch stare a week or so ago because we wanted to raise money for our friend Alex Dayrabekov.  We threw together a Slava Ukraine shirt hoping to raise a couple of thousand dollars.

We’re currently over $4000 hoping to send 10k to Alex which will feed hundreds of Ukrainians including hundreds of Ukrianian soldiers.

It’s never been cheaper or easier to make a difference, PLUS, you’ll get this INSANELY yellow “Slava Ukraine Shirt” for your kindness.

You’ll NEVER get lost in a crowd.

Want the shirt?  Buy it and we will send 100 percent of the proceeds directly to Alex.

Don’t want the shirt?  Feel like committing a random SILENT act of kindness because it makes you a better person?  Click the “Hey Russian warship, #GoFuckYourself” link and donate as much as you want.  Again, ALL of that money will be sent to Alex.

Speaking of #GoFuckYourself, we heard you.

For a limited time YOU can get your #GFY merch at’s shop!  Wana tell a small indoor group or gathering you don’t want to be at how you really feel?

There’s a #GFY mask for that.


Heading back to to the office after a two-year pandemic hiatus?  Found out your office mate refused to get vaccinated?  Do you generally hate the idea of spending 2-3 days a week on the office again for no particular reason?

We have a mug for that passive agressive #GoFuckYourself.  It’s a big old mug, too.  and at $18, it’s a goddamned steal.  Order 6 and give them out as gifts to other office mates who’d rather be back home with the dog and their own bathroom.

Looking to tell people “#GFY’ at your kids baseball game while nursing a KILLER hangover?

The #GFY hat is for you.  Block the sun, cover up that bed head and keep annoying people away from you for $30?  Yes PLEASE.

Ladies.  We’re here for you too.  Every item comes ‘in ladies’ with color options straight out of 1975.  Red, Blue, Black, Green.  We have SOME colors!


And, did someone say “Hoodie”?  Because it sure sounded like someone said ‘Hoodie’.  Millenials, like the model in our #GFY Hoodie, don’t need a #GFY hoodie to tell others to go fuck themselves.  They say it with their faces 24/7 but it’ll drive the point home, kids.

You can wear it to a kids birthday party too.

“What does #GFY mean Mr. Blundell?”

“It means Good For You, Billy because you turned 6 today!” (2 in 1’s are billion dollar ideas, btw).  These come in a severley limited color palat too, so get them while we still have black.

We set prices to stun and probably have to raise the prices on some of these items, soon.  We aren’t Harry Rosen and didn’t start the shop to get rich which was reiterated at our last mtg by our accountant who asked if we know we’re losing money from at least half of the stuff we;re selling.

I laughed.  Apparantly, that wasn’t a the best response.



I own these two pieces.  They’re my ‘sleepers’.

The “Wha Happened” and “#SchadenfreudeSZN hoodies.  LFG.  SO fucking hot and black.


Buy the Matthews Goat gear, too.  It’ll Piss Lochlin off.  And donate to Alex first.  THX.  DB



Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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