Hi, My Name’s Ray and I Fucking Love The Dean Blundell Network

Nov 10, 2022

I love creating content for the Dean Blundell Network. I love being the Sports Director of the Dean Blundell Network. I love it because we’re empowered to be ourselves, say it like we see, and own everything we do and say. It’s a collection of creators from all over the world working collectively and trying to improve the world.

You know what we’re not? We’re not fan bloggers masquerading as reporters. When I look at our talent roster, we are classified as bloggers. Not writers, journalists, or reporters. We are classified as bloggers. I don’t report sports news. I talk about the information. There’s no narrative I have to follow. If Dean Blundell wrote or said something I felt needed to be put in check, I’d be encouraged to do so. I wouldn’t be told not to embarrass the boss. Fuck, just listen to any episode of the Dean Blundell Show where I’m brought on as a guest and listen to Dean rake me through the coals. But that’s who WE are. That’s why I love working here.

Last November, when DBN reached out to me about taking my talents to the 416, I was negotiating with a fan blogger website to write and bring my former podcast, Dear Pats Nation, with me. Straight up, this other Network offered me a lot more guaranteed money than Dean’s $0 guarantee. To most people, it was a no-brainer decision; take the money. But, I make money. The website I was negotiating with was controlling. They had a lot of rules, and they wanted me to play reporter. Dean said, “be you.” I was sold.

A lot of people know this story now. Still, my online persona was heavily influenced by Dean, and that was way before I even knew the Dean Blundell Network existed. I stole a lot of shit from Dean. I used a lot of his shit but made it my own because, at the end of the day, I’m Ray, not Dean.

Anyways, this piece isn’t just to blow the Network. My boy Bobby sent out a tweet today, and it led to us having a lively conversation.

Out of respect for Bobby, I’m not going to out the person he was talking about, but I know exactly what he’s going through. The fake reporter fan blogger he’s calling out used to work with Conor and me when we were trying to launch the Boston Sports Network. This person is one of the biggest frauds in the business and now works for a fan blog website that pretends to be a legitimate news source. This blogger stole my takes and presented them as the original.

I create content because it’s fun. It’s not my identity. I’ve already decided that the day will come when Dean’s done with me, and don’t fool yourself; I’m done creating sports content. I’ll continue creating content for my company and working behind the scenes while my boss presents my work. That’s my job, and I love it. I get to control the message, but I don’t have to be front and centre. Twitter, my blogs, my podcasts, it’s all for fun. It’s not my identity. My identity is being a great father, a decent husband, and a functional human being.

The Dean Blundell Network allows me to be all those things, and I get to hang out with some really awesome people.

I was at the Bills Helmet Bar last Sunday, and somebody asked me if Dean is the same guy in real life as he is on air. I told them he was even better. The same goes for Ryan, Lochlin, James, and Chris. I enjoy our off-air conversations and DM’s more than I enjoy being on air with the guys.

I met Dean in person for the first time four weeks ago. Yet, when I got in his car, it felt like we’d hung out forever. I still need to make the trek West and try some of Ryan’s BBQ, and you’ll never catch me dead in Alberta. Chris and I are cooking something up, but you’ll have to wait and see.

The perks are pretty cool too. I’ve done radio hits on the Locker Room. I was on the CBC National News talking about Alphonso Davies. I’ve interviewed the legend Casey Stern, twice.

My first year anniversary with the Network has to be soon or just passed; I don’t know the exact day. But, after talking with Bobby today about the shit he’s going through, it made me remember why I fucking love it here. Because our audience and readers get to know Ray. Not the watered-down version you got on SportsCastr, ColorCast, NewsBreak, and the Halftime App.

I love the Dean Blundell Network.

Contributing Writers

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