Holy Shit it’s Spannabis!

Cannabis Phil Apr 17, 2019

I am so glad I didn’t make it to Spannabis this year! I did mention it to Dean, thank god we didn’t go, he wouldn’t have let me live it down! And what is Spannabis you say?  It’s only one of the biggest cannabis trade shows in Europe and has been running for the last 16 years.  Suppliers, vendors, growers, LP’s and consumers all go to check out this show. Here’s the bad news, recently they tested their hash at the event or during,  with a scary result as it was “reported that nearly 90% of the hashish samples they tested were unsuitable for human consumption.”

Spanish researchers who recently analyzed 90 samples of hashish acquired in the Madrid region found that 75% of the hash nugs were contaminated with human feces. So if you’re smoking hash in Spain, there’s a good chance you’re inhaling some nasty shit. Literally.


For the full story, check out this link “Gross! Researchers Find Illicit Spanish Cannabis Is, Literally, Shit”, nice short title. For a more in-depth look at Spannabis check out the highlights below. I can’t think every time this host guy is smoking something, I’m wondering if it’s contaminated with fecal matter?

So word to the wise, stay the fuck away from the hash in Europe! Pretty sure Europe is one of those hash kind of places, because who smokes hash anymore? Kids today probably wouldn’t know about “hot knife” or “bottle toke” or “buckets” or roll a decent joint with hash. The only reason people smoked it back in the day was that it was usually stronger or for a different buzz. Fast forward to today, where you can get strains up to 28% THC content, hence why hash is going the way of the dinosaur. That and it was too messy to work with, and you think shatter is a pain!

Maybe next year Spannabis? But I’ll pass on the hash! Just a thought, since England and others are leaving the EU dollar club, maybe they should reconsider bringing back the Hash Coin as EU National Currency?



Cannabis Phil

It has been amazing to see the cannabis industry grow exponentially over a couple of years, to see this kind of growth is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I first started in the industry as a writer/photographer for High! Canada Magazine, interviewing some top people in the cannabis space. Eventually, I started doing content/video work, social media coverage of various cannabis events across North America, catching the pulse of what was going on and partaking in a quite a few sessions, meeting some truly amazing people on the way. In my previous enslavement (aka "career"), I was involved in the business side of things, so I do have an invested interest in the business aspect. Coming into my somewhat “village elder years”, I hope to bridge the gap between generations, in hopes of breaking the stigma and showing others it's okay to get high, while possibly showing them how. My passion for cannabis and writing covers; strain reviews, vapes, dabs, shatter, social media coverage of events, new products, patient advocacy, innovations and the business of cannabis.

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