I’m back! Did you miss me? Did you notice I was gone?
I took a month off for the birth of my third boy and to help get my wife and latest addition settled. I got to drive them to appointments and be there for them. It’s time I won’t get back and I’m glad I could share with them.
It seems only fitting that my first article back is about parenting, specifically some of the changes I’ve noticed going from two to three boys.
The biggest difference is that my wife and I have to play zone defense as parents. We can no longer play man-to-man. Someone is always outnumbered. On the weekends I’ve been the one to take the big ones (7 & 4) to Skyzone to burn off some energy and get them out of the house. It gives my wife a chance to bond with the new one without someone else struggling to get some attention.
Something that I knew would occur, but maybe not to the extent I was prepared for, is jealousy from the bigs. We’ve been lucky in that there has been very little “acting out” but I cannot sit down without someone being on my lap. They see someone constantly holding the newborn and have copied that behavior. Watching TV? How about 50 extra fidgety pounds on your lap? Playing on our devices? Try playing with your arms extended around another human being. I’ve done my best to not ask for my space but sometimes I need to or I’ll go insane.
Speaking of personal space, the bigs seem to have no concept of it when it comes to dealing with a newborn. They constantly want to hug and kiss and get right up in the baby’s grill. They are gentle, but as an adult, I find it jarring to witness. I cannot imagine someone going nose-to-nose to hug me.
Finally, the lack of sleep. It seems to be the thing everyone wants to talk about and my current answer is a bit off the beaten path. Obviously, I’m tired. BUT, unless something unexpected happens, this is my last baby and there is perspective in knowing that. I’m tired, but I know it won’t last forever and then it’s over. A whole chapter of my life is closing before my eyes. Most significant moments pass you by and before you know it you are looking back on them wondering where they went. I know I’m living a series of “last times”. There’s a lot of power and perspective in that.
Joe Williamson
Bald Canadian who didn’t play hockey until he was in his mid-thirties. Die hard Raptors fan who proudly admits he wept when they won it all. Loves talking parenting, politics, and all things pop culture.