I’m Not Saying Prince Andrew Is A Pedophile, But He’s Totally A Pedophile

Nov 18, 2019

I don’t believe in Karma, but I firmly believe the shitty things we do come for us all with no exceptions.

It may come courtesy of the long arm of the law or a mental breakdown, but your past ALWAYS finds you and that’s never been more clear to me than now.

Case in point, Prince Andrew.

If guilt had a face, this would be it.

As a British Subject, this kind of talk is considered heresy so I could be killed for calling Prince Andrew a pedophile but 20 young women from all over the world, hundreds of pictures and videos can’t be wrong.  If you think otherwise, you just don’t want ‘Randy Andy’ to be guilty of raping young women forced into the sex trade.

If you take a minute to put it all together, it’s not a stretch to assume this gooey fuck raped kids.

  1. Pictures of him with his victim (s)

Virginia Giuffre is on the right and Andrew is on the left.  Virginia is the woman who accused Prince Andrew of molesting her as part of Epstein sex slave ring.  She was 17 at the time.

During an interview, Prince Pedophile (who spent an hour looking like he had to shit) said this picture of him with Giuffre is fake news.  He said “Royals don’t hug so that picture is fake’.

He also told these whoppers:

  • The night Giuffre claims he sweat all over her during sex some 20 years ago, he was at a Pizza Express.
  • Zero recollection of meeting her and never saw her naked (that’s her naked at 18, on the right)

Image result for prince andrew virginia topless

Over the weekend Prince Pedo gave an ill-advised interview where he not only made the above claims, but he also looked like my dog after taking a shit in the living room.

  • Giuffre’s claim he ‘sweat all over her’ is wrong because he doesn’t sweat and hasn’t since the hard-fought Falkland war (Google it).
  • Only stayed at Epstein’s house because it was convenient (75 times in 20 years)
  • His crime was being too loyal to Epstein.

There’s a clip from the greatest movie ever made ‘So I Married an Axe Murderer’ where Mike Myers dad (played by Myers) starts randing about a secret underground society of the fir wealthiest people in the world and he may not have been far off.  A group immune from criminal wrongdoing and the ability to cover it up.

Andrew has been banging kids for 30 years.  He’s untouchable too with diplomatic immunity so he’ll never face his accuser in a court of law unless the Queen strips him of his Royal title and duties, and even then, there’s no way she embarrasses the family by holding Andy accountable.

When people look guilty they usually are.  When everyone is accusing someone of something they usually did it.  Faces don’t lie and neither do mannerisms especially when there are pictures and videos of the pedophile who’s lying.

I could be wrong, but that looks like a hug.

I’m not saying he’s guilty but he’s completely guilty.

I watched the movie ‘Taken’ with Liam Neeson last week and it has to be based on this stuff.  If you haven’t seen it, Neeson’s daughter is ‘Taken’ (not just a clever title) during a family trip to Paris and she’s forced into the sex trade, being sold to the highest secret pervert bidder.  Everything in the movie lays out a similar sex trade scheme to Epstein’s and if you’re like me, you should watch it for a better understanding of how sick rich some uber-rich people are.

Cryin’ shame Liam Neeson was just playing a character in both ‘Taken’ and ‘Taken 2’ which had some of the most vicious barehanded, unapologetic killing I’ve ever seen.


Maybe Neeson has a few more in him.  For old times sake.






Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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