In A Surprise To No One, Doug Ford Has Invited Caryma To His Next Rally After Holding His Last One On A Roof

May 31, 2022

Full disclosure: Doug Ford is probably the dumbest man in Canada.

Ford banned Caryma from his events. He had HPS arrest her last week after she RSVP’d for this even in Hamilton, and he’s inviting her back!

Either Doug’s Comms team is run by someone dumber than he is, or he wants to keep arresting Caryma for shits and giggles because he hates her political cartoons.

This happened to Caryma last week when she showed up to Doug’s fake Hamilton rally.

She was humiliated by five hamilton cops charged with acting as Doug’s security. Thanks to the Trespass Ontario act, Doug can force any cop to arrest anyone Doug wants them to arrest, with permission from property owners. That’s why he holds rallies on private property.

Hamilton Police cooked up a fake press release to make it look like Caryma was a protestor. They then corrected that phony press release with different lies, and Caryma is taking them to court for it.


Caryma’s act of courage in Hamilton has led to a speight of people protesting these fake rallies to the point where Dougie held his Ottawa presser on the roof of the Ottawa Sun yesterday (Post Media company that has forced all its publications to endorse Doug Ford).

It’s been incredible to watch once trusted institutions close ranks around this guy for their benefit. It’s also amazing to watch rooftop courage like this on display from such a fighter. LOL.

Caryma scared him onto the roof.

The sad part? This HUGE PUSSY is going to cruise to another majority.

Doug Ford is everything that’s wrong with us in a George Richards suit, but I will have fun over the next four years. You don’t know so much about Doug, Ron Taverner, private cocktail parties, threats, abuse, etc.; I feel like I need another four years to lay it all out.

Plus, he can’t hide forever.

Cheers and have a GREAT day!




Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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