Rob Kivlichan Jun 22, 2022

This guy sucks so much.

Bill Cosby, recently released from prison after a Pennsylvania Appeals Court overturned his 2018 sexual assault conviction, is back in the news for…wait for it…sexually assaulting women!

On June 21, a civil jury in Los Angeles found the now-disgraced serial rapist liable for sexual battery from an incident in 1975 at the Playboy Mansion when he inappropriately touched 16-year-old Judy Huth.

What The Law Says

According to California Penal Code Section 243.4(a), sexual battery is defined as the sexual touching of another person’s body while that person is restrained. That’s right, Bill Cosby restrained a 16-year-old girl and touched her for his sexual gratification. I’m getting the creeps while I write this.

The jury further awarded Ms. Huth USD 500,000 in damages because Bill Cosby is a creep who sexually touched a 16-year-old girl while restraining her.

Why Isn’t This Clown In Jail?

In the United States, criminal law is within the legislative purview of each state. Thus, criminal law is often different depending on where one finds themselves in the Land of Lots of Guns, Not A lot of Abortions. For instance, bigamy (the act of solemnizing a marriage while already married to another person) is illegal in Arizona. If one drives just over the Utah border, bigamy is a long-held tradition amongst many Mormons (think convicted pedophile Warren Jeffs and the FLDS).

In the California Penal Code, there is a 10-year period to file sexual battery charges if the victim is an adult (18+). The charges must be filed before the victim’s 40th birthday if the victim is a minor. Because the complaint was brought well after Judy Huth’s 40th birthday, the LAPD could not pursue criminal charges against Bill Cosby. Unfortunately for Judy and the line-up of federal inmates who would presumably want a piece of ol’ Billy, Judy Huth’s only recourse was in civil court.

Canadian Criminal Law

In Canada, criminal law is a federal head of power. Criminal law does not change from province to province. Further, there is no statute of limitations on sexual assault/battery/being a giant perv charge in Canada. If Billy were in Canada, he would be bunking up in one of our many Finishing Schools for Criminal Behaviour. Sorry, I meant penitentiaries.

What’s The Point?

Bill Cosby is a serial sexual predator who, but for his country’s ass-backward approach to criminal law, would otherwise die in jail. Further, this story only reinforces what we already know: there are dozens more women like Andrea Constand and Judy Huth, who Bill Cosby sexually assaulted. I hope they all come forward.

Judy Huth is a survivor who was brave enough to tell her story and hold Bill Cosby accountable for what he did to her when she was 16. Full marks for Judy Huth.

Judy is a fighter. Be on Team Judy.

Whether a victim or wrongfully accused, there is always recourse.

Never stop fighting!


Rob Kivlichan

Rob Kivlichan is a criminal and constitutional lawyer specializing in cases of domestic violence, sexual assault, and violent crimes. Rob actively seeks out cases involving the wrongfully accused and where an individual's Charter rights have been violated. Never a stranger to controversy, Rob writes about criminal justice reform and protecting the rights of Canadians against an oppressive state. Rob can be reached toll free at 1 (866) 489-1710, (416) 560-7757, or [email protected]

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