Judge Orders Immediate Eviction Of The Fake Trucker Church In Ottawa Because Those Crazy Bastards Are Frauds And Con Artists

Sep 23, 2022

William Komer is a con artist.

He’s conned dozens of students out of 1o’s of thousands of dollars over the past several years, and this St Brigid’s TUPOC church takeover was just another con.

The owner of the historic church couldn’t find a buyer. Along comes a professional con man named William Komer, who’s been conning everyone from students to police for YEARS,

William promised to “rent to own” the 200-year-old Ottawa landmark for 10 k a month and had no intention of paying. He planned on doing exactly what he did: using it to raise funds while never paying rent or expenses so he could pocket the rest in the name of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Today, Justice Gormley told the little fuck to get out ASAP with an actual court order, and now he has to masturbate to cartoons somewhere else violently.


Source: The head of a group with ties to the Freedom Convoy says they are planning to leave an Ottawa church after a judge ordered the group can be evicted.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Sally Gomery granted an application on Friday by the owners of St. Brigid’s in Lowertown to evict The United People of Canada from the property.

The owner, Patrick McDonald, sought the court order to enforce the group’s eviction, saying they failed to make $100,000 payments as part of a conditional sale of the church, owe $10,000 in rent and have broken heritage rules. Gomery’s ruling sided with the landlord.

“TUPOC materially breached the agreement by failing to pay deposits of $100,000 on August 10, 2022, despite two extensions of the deadline granted by the applicants,” she wrote.

Gomery also ruled that TUPOC must pay $53,000 in costs to the owners of the property within 30 days. William Komer, the group’s chair, said Friday afternoon that the group is planning to appeal the decision, but is planning to pack up and leave the church.

“We’re waiting for the order to be finalized, but we understand it was against us and we need to vacate,” he said. “We know they’re asking, I believe, for us to be immediately out, so we’re getting out as quickly as we can.

“We will be appealing the decision.”

Members of the group had long insisted the eviction notice they were served was invalid, and said they would not leave the property. But Friday afternoon they could be seen packing up a vehicle in the church’s parking lot.

See you later, fuckers.

This whole thing was nothing more than a con.

Komer is a career liar, con artist, and anti-vax convoy hardo who hoped to steal more money from people with this church grift, but it’s over. Komer conned the church’s owner into a rent-to-own deal. Now the greasy little incel has to go back to London and face multiple people who are accusing him of theft and fraud of over 20 k.

Here’s your boy.

As my Dad, Jimmy Blundell, says ‘that guy has a face I’d never get tired of kicking.”

If you ever come across William Komer, run the other way and hang on to your wallet and car keys.

And smell you later, TUPOC and all the 70’s porno dregs who thought they had free room and board.

Go to the YMCA, grab a shower and spruce up your resume at an internet cafe. Fucking mooks.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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