Let’s Investigate The Trudeau Foundation AND Poilievre’s Conflict Of Interests Because Transparency, Right??

You’re guilty of Something.
No, you’re guilty of Something.
Everyone’s guilty of Something when it comes to Canadian politicians. Collusion, usually. Enriching their friends? Absolutely. So why is it so hard for everyone to ask for the same thing from everyone?
Politics sucks for several ball-licking reasons. Religion. Monetary/policy blow jobs, hidden agendas, gaslighting for ideology, etc. Where we can all come together is asking for transparency, so why are we all so selective about it?
Agreed. And let's do a full background check on you and your "family." I know you've refused it so far, but let's get everything on the table. Canadians could use a look under the hood, right #PeePee? I mean, we pay for it… pic.twitter.com/ZaKZdw23YO
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) April 15, 2023
After posting a performative letter asking the CRA to do a “fulsome” audit of The Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation (Trudeau’s dad’s foundation), PeePee deleted that tweet when he was reminded he also may have some “Familial Conflicts”. On his AND his wife’s side. More on that in a minute.
Pierre, https://t.co/oMPObxBjKO pic.twitter.com/XztvFEtPEe
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) April 15, 2023
I Agree With Pierre
We should ask for and receive full transparency about any non-profit org related to any sitting politician in Canada. If, indeed, the CCP has been shoving money into the TF, as PeePee says, shouldn’t Trudeau WANT to open up an investigation to clear his family’s name? If PeePee is making this up, kiting off speculation, and I’m Trudeau, I’m creating an open-source spreadsheet and posting it on Twitter. And if there’s nothing there, Trudeau needs to act like it instead of giving it the Heisman every time he’s asked.
If 25 years of operation have turned the TF into a corrupt/diseased institution after ten years in the PMO, we deserve to know, and it deserves to be rooted out.
But. let’s have this go both ways.
I'm trying to figure out why @pierrepoilievre refuses to submit to a background security clearance check, which would include his wife @anapoilievre. Back in 2020, #Skippy unexpectedly dropped out of the leadership race without any real explanation. 1/5https://t.co/kCT0iY3gwf
— Bernard Roulinski (@roulinski) April 15, 2023
Remember when Donald Trump refused to disclose his tax returns? Yeah.
Pierre Poillievere and his wife Ana have NOT submitted their security background checks after ascending to Stornoway as the opposition leader. You know, the one that can disqualify any politician hiding familial conflicts of interest? That one. His wife Ana has refused it so far as well.
Pierre Poilievre would have to undergo a review of foreign assets and a polygraph exam to gain Top Secret security clearance in Canada. Hooo boy. pic.twitter.com/n3gXBOGT6q
— Roddy 🇨🇦 (@RodKahx) April 15, 2023
Are they hoping to run out the clock? Does PeePee think he can get elected BEFORE submitting a background check that would tell us WHY Pierre and Ana Poilievere refuse to allow Canada’s National Security experts to clear them of any compromise or identify soft targets that might be a threat to Canada’s national security? Is there an in-law or biological father with nefarious means or a questionable past?
He needs to have his bluff called. There's a https://t.co/sH0RmxPwot petition going around to demand a background check on PP. He's hiding something. https://t.co/vR8eUPBUdb
— Peggie Fitzpatrick🇨🇦 (@PeggieFitzpat17) April 15, 2023
Pierre’s Hiding Something (too)?
That’s why he isn’t allowed to sit in Nat Sec briefings. He won’t submit to a Nat Sec background check because his ‘background” is a grab bag full of holy shit. He leaves all that out of his cute little videos and never includes that part in his demand for (selective) outrage.
I firmly believe that our leaders need to do it cleaner and better than anyone else. So why are so many PeePee fans having difficulty agreeing with Canada Proud and me?
Totally agree. While you’re at this clever little op let’s band together as ask @PierrePoiIievre and @AnaPoilievre for a full background and security check. Canadians love transparency. Cool make work project for all Canadians, right @JeffBallingall ? Transparency for everyone!… https://t.co/O8gBtIuAtr
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) April 15, 2023
Aren't you alleging Trudeau's personal life is a conflict of interest based on his private life?
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) April 15, 2023
We have. For ten years. weird how he hasn't been arrested for all these memes
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) April 15, 2023
I know how NDAs work. You talk about the pedo NDA like it exists and you’ve seen it. Have you? Post it and I’m happy to support you ma’am. I love transparency.
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) April 15, 2023
This might sound awkward, but I can ask Trudeau AND PeePee for full transparency of their familial relationships or conflicts of interest. That’s how you know no one owns me/us and the sign of someone interested in the national security of all Canadians.
Show us:
-The Trudeau Foundation books and a full accounting of all donations
– Pierre and Ana Poilievere’s National Security Background checks and blood family trees.
– Jagmeet too.
Every federal and provincial elected official should submit to forensic accounting and complete rectal exams to collect their first government-funded paycheck, and Pierre and Ana should go next. Then Doug Ford. We’ll need a few more stenographers for Doug Ford.
I want to know if the Trudeau Foundation has a conflict of interest issue.
I want to know if Pierre and Ana have “familial” conflict issues and why they refuse mandatory National Security background checks.
I want to know if none of those things are true. I don’t want tribal outrage or selective requests for a la carte transparency from our elected officials. I want the whole fucking thing, and so should you.
If you don’t want the same things, you don’t matter, or there’s Something in it for you.
What do you say, Jeff Ballingall? Should we band together to ask for the right thing for all Canadians? Or will you keep taking our money to lie to Canadians about who your boy is? Let’s bury the digital hatchet and hold hands on the transparency train Jeff! You, me, Canada Proud, and Crier Media are singing protest chants about unity and transparency! At the same time, we bring Canadians together, asking for accountability and the unvarnished truth about Trudeau and PeePee for 36 million compatriots! You can (keep getting) get SHIT fuck wasted, and I’ll drive the RV across Canada.
Or was that not the point…
#PierrePoilievre doesn't want to be briefed on intelligence. Would prevent him from making stuff up. Better to Bullhorn bullshit for fundraising than to acquire actual knowledge on national security. Mr. Poilievre, do you want to be a Prime Minister or a Prime Fundraiser? https://t.co/QFZkS20g5M
— Charles Adler (@charlesadler) April 15, 2023
Dean Blundell
Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.