Maple Leafs: Hire Barry Trotz Already And Get It Over With

Oct 31, 2022

I fully expect Kyle Dubas to relieve Sheldon Keefe of his duties after last night’s 4-3 OT loss to Anaheim.

Not because the Leafs are underperforming or the fact they just lost to the worst team in the west.


I expect Barry Trotz to come in any day now because Barry willed it into existence a month ago when he said, “I wouldn’t mind coaching an original 6 team because I haven’t done that before.”

Barry is the shitty NHL team whisperer, and he’s a cross between Babcock and Keefe when it comes to being a players coach and a hockey coach that demands accountability.

That means he was already talking to an original 6 team, and the Leafs are one of the only original six teams to be mired in the whole “Fire the fucking coach” circle of hell thing.

What makes “Trotz to Toronto” more intriguing this morning other than Toronto’s? Sheldon Keefe benching Mitch Manner for a shift and watching Mitchy’s reaction and the fact they are 4-4-2 and losers of 4 in a row in a city that’s already unreasonable.

Keefe benched Marner after a couple of turnovers FOR ONE SHIFT. Marner grabbed a stick and demoed it out of sight in the tunnel. Keefe then sent Marner out right away because he needed a late goal. Nada.

The Leafs lose in OT while embarrassing Mitchy in the process, and the room is GONE.

That’s some serious coaching there, Sheldon.

Now the narrative is Mitch is a baby, Sheldon lost the confidence of his players, and everyone from Dubas to Marner is getting shipped out.

A few things have to happen before Mitch gets traded or Dubas gets fired, though.

Dubas bringing in Barry Trotz would be an attempt to right the ship AND save his job. Barring that, Kyle is absolutely on the hot seat because this is HIS TEAM. After every brutal playoff loss, he stayed the course because these are his guys, his crew from Sault St. Marie, and other spare parts he slapped together, including Sheldon Keefe.

A coaching change is the second last stop on the way to unemployment, so it also means Kyle is saying he fucked up and hired the wrong guy to coach a group of players who can’t win.

In the words of Brian Burke, “The inmates shouldn’t be running the asylum,” and I vote for Barry Trotz as the new Warden.

No one gets more out of their players, and the Maple Leafs don’t need a friend; they need a head coach and a couple of impact defensemen in exchange for Mitch Marner’s salary.

LFG. Just do it already. Leaf psychos are ready to explode.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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