Marcus Stroman calls out Toronto media for not being positive enough #BlueJays

Shug McSween May 12, 2019

Marcus Stroman is still mad Charlie Montoyo pulled him from the game yesterday and it appears he brought his Twitter fingers along for the ride. Stroman wasn’t happy when he noticed a tweet from Sportsnet’s Sid Seixeiro and had this to say, Sunday morning:

Let’s examine if Brito was any good for the Blue Jays. 17 games played, 39 at-bats, 3 hits, 4 walks, and 17 strikeouts, for an average of .077. Newsflash Marcus, that’s not very good, and wasn’t it you who was complaining earlier this year that the team wasn’t using its best players in the major league lineup? Which one is it Marcus, you’re becoming quite the confusing character.

This is coming from the same guy who blasted his manager on the mound and chirped at his pitching coach while he stormed off the field. The passion is great, but the optics of publicly questioning your manager isn’t a good look. I thought we were trying to be positive here.  Since then you decided to wake up and look up tweets with either your name it in like you normally do, or name’s of ex-teammates for something to do.

Marcus Stroman used to be one of the Blue Jays best pitchers. He was a beast when the club went to back to back postseasons and since then he’s done his best Josh Towers impression, 5 wins, 15 losses, over the past 18 months. And here we were thinking having all the pitchers walk out together every game would help massage the Stroman and Sanchez relationship, and the two would provide us with a dynamic duo the Blue Jays desperately need to win ball games. Negative.

It’s no secret Ross Atkins has been trying to deal Stroman as everyone in Toronto has had enough. Now he’s publicly blasting coaches out of “passion” and spending his Sunday mornings scrolling Twitter for his next argument.

Speaking of positive, I’m quite positive Sports is a business of ‘what have you done for me lately’. All Stroman has done lately in Toronto is piss off everyone including Aaron Sanchez, lose 3 times as many games as he’s won, and publicly blast his manager/pitching coach/ and members of the media company, who owns the team he plays for.

Marcus Stroman, your act is tired.

Shug McSween

Shug McSween is a veteran here at and has been contributing since day one. A sports nut with a sophisticated opinion, expect McSween to cover any and everything he's passionate about. When he's not busy writing and editing for our crew, McSween likes to get away via fairways and greens. He also contributes to The Hockey Writers, and

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