Maybe It’s time For Reporters To Ask Pierre Poilivere Where HE’S From And Who HE’S With…

I’m a BIG fan of the word “epistemology.”
My mentor, Charles Adler, re-introduced the word to my lexicon a few weeks ago. We often talk about the origin of things because we live in a world where origins get obfuscated for various reasons.
You can take a lot of intention from origins. You can also destroy reputations, facts, and institutions by misrepresenting origin. That’s why the word “Epistemology” means something to me.
No one weaponizes origin better than the leader of Canada’s Alt-Right Conservative (Cosplay) Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, and you can see how effective he is at it every time his lies are challenged.
Watch as Poilievere asks reporters, “Who are you? or Who are you with?” whenever a (usually female) reporter asks Pierre a question he doesn’t like or can’t respond to:
- Pierre lied about the Niagara terror attack…
2. The Liberal heckler is a regular reporter who challenged Pierre…
3. He hates CBC and Canadian Press – maybe the only two media outlets in this country that don’t have reporters on political payrolls.
Pierre likes to turn the tables on reporters by destroying their origin when he asks who they are or who they work for. He’s lying when he says Trudeau pays Media. They aren’t. He knows but also needs the people questioning those lies to look like liars.
Trudeau is too shit at coms and marketing to have greased the media tracks with Trudeau friendlies.
So he asks who they work for, and if they aren’t working for his friends at Rebel News, True North, Canada Proud (all funded by his friends and donors), and Post Media, he asks who they are with or who they work for, to gaslight that reporter and their reputation.
But who does Pierre Poilievere “work for”? Who is Pierre Poilievre? Those reporters are not vying to run the country; he is, and we know VERY LITTLE about Pierre’s “origin.”
In my opinion, the actions and decisions of Pierre Poilevere dictate where he’s from and who he’s with. It’s kind of an immutable fact with all of us.
We know very little about Pierre’s upbringing—rumors of who his biological father is run more than rampant. Call me a trendsetter, but I told reporters to ask about Poilievre’s HIGHLY questionable origins a year ago.
Some one just needs to ask who Pierre Poilievre’s biological dad is in a presser…that would be fun. 👌
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) April 14, 2023
Who Are You With and Where Are You From?”
Both questions are critical to ask Pierre Poilievere to start EVERY press conference from now till the end of time.
Friends, alleged family, business partners, political ties. There’s nothing but obfuscation and 1/4 truths in his history. Familial and professional. I’d think we’d ALL want to know EVERYTHING about the origin of the man who looks to lead Canada in 2025, right? I mean, to ensure Canada’s next PM was a man of substance with no ties to criminal behavior or an alternative agenda, we need the entire epistemology of how Pierre Poilievere came to be:
Who’s your daddy?
Great question. Pierre’s adoptive father is out of his life. He’s gay and rarely gets mentioned, if at all. We know almost NOTHING about his mother, who his biological father is, or “where he’s from.”
There are rumors that Pierre’s lawyer (Stephen Harper’s lawyer) is his biological dad. Gerald is a dead ringer for PeePee.
If there is any relation to Chipeur, that’s a MAJOR red flag and should tell you where he’s really from. Gerald is Ezra Levant’s lawyer and the laser of record for several religious anti-trans, anti-gay, anti-abortion lobby groups in the US and Canada. He’s also Stephen Harper’s lawyer at the IDU, with members from India, China, Russia, and Hungary. Their goal? To disrupt democracy in progressive countries in the name of Abrahamic/conservative nationalism.
What’s your REAL name?
We also know that Pierre allegedly used to go by “Jeff,” according to multiple reports, including one from Politico. That happened right around the time his gay adoptive father and mother split. Call me crazy, but this whole “Jeff/Pierre” bullshit is a MAJOR red flag. ZERO explanations have been given.
I get it when wrestler change their names, but I think I speak for most fair-minded Canadians when I say our future PM shouldn’t be acting like he’s in the fucking witness relocation program.
Who are you with?
Who are Pierre’s business partners? Johnathan Denis was caught making racist phone calls to an indigenous woman last year and is Pierre’s business partner in a “real estate investment company.” Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are.
Pierre is pals with some of the WORST human beings in Alberta politics. Google human cave troll Craig Chandler while getting familiar with Mr. Denis. Real peaches.
“Videos surfaced showing former #Alberta justice minister Jonathan Denis appearing to mock Indigenous people.” UCP candidate, Danielle Smith, fires campaign's phone operators after 'racist' remarks.: https://t.co/HeFwhVVKsA pic.twitter.com/hNy7KTI1cC
— Samantha’s Law (@SamanthasLaw) September 29, 2022
Would you look at all those ties between Jonathan Denis and Pierre Poilievre. https://t.co/PwINzvxTfh
— Max Fawcett 🇨🇦 (@maxfawcett) April 15, 2022
They sue and threaten to sue anyone who brings attention to their (shitty) actions and reputations into question, so I fully expect them to sue us for this.
That’s OK. Pierre’s friends at Canada Proud sued us for “embarrassing” them back in November, so we’ll add it to the pile.
Who are you with?
His political business partners need to be vetted by the media, too. Reporters should ask his Deputy Leader, Melissa Lantsman, where she’s from and who she’s with. The daughter of Russian immigrants led the fight for Russia against Ukraine in the House of Commons last week when they voted AGAINST Ukraine Aid funding.
Melissa Lantsman – For Russia.
Easy game.
(Her familial "PawnShop" energy makes sense now, too, huh?) https://t.co/gMEbZS2wzm pic.twitter.com/miE31CZDXr
— Dean Blundell🇨🇦 (@ItsDeanBlundell) February 17, 2024
The daughter of Russian immigrants turned pawn shop owners and loan sharks voted against Ukrainian aid for a reason. So did Pierre. They say they are holding up crucial aid to Ukrainian victims of Russian genocide because of a Carbon Tax, and their hillbilly supporters buy it. But weigh that: they want to let Ukrainians suffer through genocide at the hands of Putin because they don’t like domestic climate tax implementation. LOLZ.
Message to Canadian Conservative Friends: If you insist on resisting aid to Ukraine in the name of fighting carbon taxes, you are disgracing yourselves as Cdns and joining Putin's expanding corps of useful Idiots. In the name of #Navalny, become useful to Canadian democracy. pic.twitter.com/g7wOTCukB1
— Charles Adler (@charlesadler) February 16, 2024
Where Melissa is from dictates who she’s with according to her actions when her actions align with where she’s from, in my opinion.
What you vote for or against in Parliament is usually an EXCELLENT fucking indicator of who PeePee and Melissa are with…
W.T.F. Look what else I’ve found! Alesia Polga with Ana Poilievre and Melissa Lantsman! pic.twitter.com/E7U0uDruJi
— Ame Todd (@ame_todd) February 16, 2024
What kind of conservetive celebrates a Maoist militia ?
What does it even mean?
Just don't say you didn't know; the red communist star was all over the place!
You are adisgrace @MelissaLantsman. pic.twitter.com/YfcdggSFNY
— George The Royalist (@AdlerAdler20098) February 13, 2024
Where is your wife from?
Ana Poilievre fascinates me. Ana is the daughter of Venezuelan bankers. Some have spent time in prison for “money laundering.” they eloped several years ago on a *paid wedding destination in Portugal. There are rumors that Ana’s family is why PeePee refuses to sit for a national security background check (he still refuses to get his NatSec check). There are also unconfirmed rumors that it has to do with his family and a few business relationships, so who knows? I know that Pierre’s wife’s family has a “troubled” history…
Ana Poilievre is the daughter of a money launderer, so no surprise she support a lawless far right attempt to bring down 🇨🇦’s federal government so her Bitcoin con artist husband can usher in the dismantling of Canadian democracy. #NeverVoteConservative #NeverPoilievre #CPCMAGA https://t.co/2dfaUhz2b9
— @heathermoandco.bsky.social (@HeatherMoAndCo) September 10, 2023
Source: The spouse of Pierre Poilievre, Anaida Galindo Poilievre, comes from a family with an exciting and complicated past. Luis Galindo, the father of Anaida Poilievre, traveled to Montreal in 1995 and is suspected of laundering money obtained through the FARC. The claim has prompted inquiries regarding Pierre Poilievre’s denial to submit to a background investigation. The mother of Anaida Poilievre is from a prosperous Dominican Republic family.
She is renowned for leading an opulent lifestyle that involves frequent international travel, expensive clothing purchases, and elaborate party planning. After graduating from law school in Venezuela, she went on to divorce Luis Galindo. The family is further complicated by the fact that Anaida’s uncle is purportedly a criminal.
That’s allegedly Ana’s uncle on the right…
Maybe because Pierre doesn’t want you to know who he’s with or where he’s from. If he has nothing to hide, he needs to act like it. Every relationship, from his business partners to his parents to his wife and her family, is a fucking mystery. Nothing seems legitimate, from his name to his family to his wife to his party leadership.
Epistemology matters. Origin matters. Intention matters.
The only things we know about Pierre Poilievere are what he or the Conservative Party of Canada tell us. The same conservative party that lies about rent control, climate change, trans rights, and Ukrainian genocide doesn’t want you to ask where Pierre’s from for a reason. That lie will tell you who he’s with, and who he’s with is No Bueno.
So buck up, Canadian reporters on the PeePee beat. I’ve given you two questions to ask (they came from Charles Adler, who said these are the only two questions he’d ask Pierre if he was a reporter) and reasons to ask those two questions.
If PeePee has nothing to hide, then these rumors of who Pierre is really with and where he’s really from can be put to bed, and we can vote for his Theocratic Authoritarian dream together. One Canada, under God, was led by a man who used to be called Jeff, about whom we know nothing about before 1998.
Maybe it’s time to start asking HIM those two questions.
Dean Blundell
Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.