Meet Brazilian Spornsexual Arthur O Urso Who Married 8 Models, But He Wants You To Know It’s Not Easy

Sep 21, 2022

Via New York Post Six-pack. Eight wives.

A Brazilian polygamist and so-called “spornsexual” is opening up about his busy married life, saying several of his wives demand he maintain rippling abs at all times.

Arthur O Urso hit headlines last year after tying the knot with eight women in São Paulo. The Mirror reports that Urso recently “came out as spornsexual” — an academic term originating in the mid-2010s that is used to describe a straight man who is “fragranced, buffed, ripped, groomed, [and] selfie-adoring.”

Many men say Urso is living the dream by bedding a bevy of beauties, but the busy husband said it’s not always easy to keep up with his spouse’s strict stipulations.

“They demand that I be in shape, otherwise I get lectured,” the influencer told the Mirror.

To maintain his rippling six-pack, the prolific polygamist is constantly hitting the gym and has also cut carbs from his diet.

“I don’t eat gluten, lactose and even bread and pasta,” he declared.

And while some of Urso’s wives love his brawny body, the buff Brazilian also enjoys looking at himself in the mirror, a key trait for most “spornsexuals.”

However, Urso said some of his wives have different tastes and don’t always need him be working on his appearance.

Cry me a river, Arthur.

We’ve got to the point in 2022 where we just come up with names for things to fit our lifestyle. Spornsexual? It was a term developed in the 2010s that means you are a man who is fragranced, buffed, ripped, groomed and selfie-adoring. So a fuckboi, as the kids say. According to Arthur, he needs you to know he is courageous.

Last year, Arthur courageously took a stance against monogamy when he married 8 women at the same time. Unfortunately for him, Brazil does not recognize any marriages so on paper so they don’t count.

Arthur also wants you to know it’s not all fun and sex. Arthur says his wives demand he stay in top shape, or else he gets in trouble And when it comes to sex, it’s impossible to fulfill 8 women at once. He’s been forced to make a “sex schedule” to assure his haram is properly satisfied. Oh, poor Arthur. Having to make a sex schedule to pleasure his 8 model wives. Give this man a purple heart.

This life actually might be pretty hard when you take away all the sex. (Pause for all men to tell me how stupid I am).

I have trouble keeping up with all the texts and ups and downs with one wife let alone 8. He is damn lucky that Brazil does not recognize all 8 of these marriages, in the off chance that one of these 8 marriages doesn’t work out he is going to have to pay alimony. Can you imagine paying 6 different alimonies? Wild stuff.

By the way, Arthur isn’t done. His goal is to have 10-15 wives in total. I hope he has a WhatsApp wife group chat, easier to manage. God speed Arthur, better get viagra as a sponsor.

Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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