Video: Don’t Try And Buy A Monkey Online From “McLovin” From Superbad. Like Ever.

Mar 2, 2018

“I needed a monkey. I needed to be different.”

Source  – Don Abrego said he sent somewhere between $4,500 and $5,000 to somebody in Hawaii who was supposedly in possession of a capuchin monkey. The problem with that? You guessed it – he got fucked out of $4,500 to $5,000 because the person obviously didn’t have a capuchin monkey in his or her possession.

But wait, the story gets even better.

Along with requests for more Amazon gift cards to pay for flight cancellations and vaccination costs, the scam artist also sent over a photo ID, “but aside from the ten year old expiration date, a quick Google search reveals it’s the same fake ID belonging to McLovin, the character from the movie Superbad.”

Abrego said he shared his story in hopes that it won’t happen to anybody else, which it shouldn’t unless of course, they are also a fucking moron.


Who would have thought there were people dumber than the ones who lost it all to the Nigerian Prince promising billions in return for thousands.

Meet Don Abrego.  He’s that person.

Pro tip.  When someone is willing to sell you a monkey for Amazon gift cards, you are a moron.  My 12-year-old trades XBOX cards and Itunes Cards for other cards with there friends.  He’s 12.

Don is 40.  and he thought he could get a monkey with the gift cards and aftre the first ten with no monkey in sight, he sent ten more.  Genius.

The fact the reporter calls it a cautionary tale means the people of Michigan are all stupid I guess.




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