National Post Begs People To Stop Being Mean To Them. LOL.

Jun 30, 2022

I got a DM from a friend who works in Media and thought I’d flesh an answer out in a blog.


I fucking HATE whiners. Whiners are soft professional victims who whine about the loss of entitlement. That’s why they complain.

Enter the editor of the National Post, Rob Roberts, who employs Rex Murphy and Jordan Peterson, who regularly take huge hateful dumps on democracy, LGBTQ rights, and general fucking decency.

This piece he put together begs for some perspective.

NP: The reporters who work for the National Post are professional, hard-working and fair. They are fiercely independent, and don’t take orders from anyone — even their editors sometimes, if I’m being honest.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  That’s entirely untrue, and Rob’s lying. US hedge fund Chatham Asset Management owns the National Post. Every editorial decision is based on a conservative narrative, and it’s been a running joke for some time, as has the Toronto Sun, which also owns Chatham Asset Management. Chatham Asset Management is run by a group of neo-cons who worked with the Harper government to scrap foreign media ownership regulations. They actively work against Canadians with their content; Canadians know that, so Canadians hate them—pretty simple math.

And then they get horrendous emails or direct messages like this:

“ Hey, you race-baiting cuck. Are you sad that your life amounted to posting cringe tone deaf articles? How did you think people would take it? Get your … bitch head out your ass.”

And this:

“Someone needs to smash a bottle of whisky in your face and then blow your brains out.”

And this — not profane, but definitely seeking to intimidate:

“Our organization is compiling a list … Everyone gets one chance to rectify their mistake … but only one chance will be offered. No further notice will be provided.”

This is not a National Post or Postmedia phenomenon.

Death threats are never a good time. Last count, the Post, and The Sun readers sent me over 1300 of them. Not that I care because I know these people are mouth-breathing trailer people who think the Post and the Sun are actual newspapers. They are not. They are propaganda outlets for conservative culture. They pretend to do news between the stories where they tell you to be afraid of everything that isn’t conservative-driven bullshit. Threats suck, but if I’m not complaining like a 3-year-old, maybe Robbie could have sucked these up instead of using them to beg for sympathy and mercy from people he gaslights for money.

An IPSOS poll on online harassment of members of the media last year revealed such attacks are on the rise. About two-thirds of journalists have experienced harassment online, and one in five face it weekly or worse.

As editor-in-chief of the National Post, some of my favorite correspondence comes from people who are disappointed with us. You can’t beat engaged readers loyal enough to take the time to kvetch. We’re glad to get almost all of them; they help us do better, and we hope we otherwise do well enough that they stick around.

But the abusive complaints are not meant to engage; they are meant to intimidate, to frighten.

These are hard times for almost everyone, something we try to capture in our journalism. But let me condemn in the strongest possible terms the people who think that gives them permission to do away with decency, with fairness, and with obeying the Criminal Code. I’m writing today to tell those people to stop.

We stand with our journalists. Disagree all you like. But engage us, don’t abuse us.

This bullshit “Leave us ALONE!” article is some self-serving, entitled BULLLLLLSHHIIIIAAAAAT. You don’t get to poke the fucking bear with cultural dynamite and then claim journalistic diplomatic immunity. You don’t get to unleash those geriatric divisive fucks, Rex Murphy and Jordan Peterson, then cry about the reaction.

No sane human reads the National Post or the Sun and thinks, “That was informative and made me smarter.”  Post Media entities exist to support entitled conservative white culture and their stakeholders.

Canadians are starting to figure out Media Collusion in this country and are furious about it, as they should be.

Should we threaten the death of compromised reporters and neo-con media dicks? No. We should stop buying their shit and stop outrage retweeting their stories and content.

The Sun and The Post exist and operate at the pleasure of their board members. Their reporters and “journalists” are trying to earn a living and don’t deserve death threats, but don’t fucking publicly whine about the natural consequences of misleading Canadians for personal/political gain.

That’s what huge fucking wieners do, Rob. Don’t be a huge fucking wiener.

Just do a better job.


Dean Blundell

Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.

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