Nazem Kadri’s Wife Shares Sickening Racist Attacks From Hockey Fans Following Kadri’s Collison With Jordan Binnington

May 24, 2022

There is no place for this in sports. PERIOD. STOP

Leave it up to the NHL and its fans to sprinkle some disgusting racism during the NHL playoffs. Some context. Nazem Kadri has always been known to play with an edge, and unfortunately, in game 3, Kadri got tangled up with St.Louis Blues goalie Jordan Binnington.

A great breakdown here by Tough Call Pod. It clearly shows no ill intent, and he was essentially pushed into Biddington by Cal Rosen.

Biddington got injured, which sparked a slew of racist social media attacks on Kadri and his family through his cat’s IG account.

Fucking disgusting and gross. I am happy that the names are in these screenshots, so everyone knows who the racist cucks are.

Kadri followed up an incredibly tough 48 hours with a hat trick. Suck on that, racists. Your team will lose, and you can crawl back into the holes you came from. Kadri shouldn’t be subjected to this. Am I surprised it’s hockey fans? No, I am not. Hockey is a predominantly white sport and hasn’t had the most remarkable track record of treating players of color with respect.

The players aren’t much better.

I am not painting all hockey fans/players as racists. I say it’s a problem that needs to be addressed and changed. There is no place for racism in sports. PERIOD. STOP.

Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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