After #PeePee’s DISTASTEROUS By-election in Toronto, new Canada-wide polling suggests what we already knew:
Everyone fuckin HATES Canadian Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre’s guts.
Pierre Poilievre Net Approvals:
Canada: -20%
SK: +19%
AB: +16%
MB: -17%
ON: -17%
ATL: -22%
BC: -26%
QC: -43%Gender:
Men: -6%
Women: -34%Age:
18-34: -20%
35-54: -13%
55+: -28%Angus Reid / December 3, 2022 / n=5030 / Online
— Polling Canada (@CanadianPolling) December 19, 2022
Angus Reid put out some polling numbers today. After a year of rage farming, pushing hatred and division down the throats of dumb young men in Canada for the past year, his approval numbers reflect reality: Everyone HATES Pierre Poilievre.
After three months as the leader of the Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre is viewed much more negatively than his predecessors at similar points in their tenure.https://t.co/NjgOTTXeuP pic.twitter.com/MIncT06WSc
— Angus Reid Institute (@angusreidorg) December 19, 2022
Especially women and people with a fucking brain.
Angus Reid: A new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre provoking more reaction from his predecessors, but perhaps not in the way he may want.
Asked how they view Poilievre, Canadians are much more likely to actually have an opinion of him at this point in his tenure compared to past CPC leaders. Early term uncertainty, however, has mostly been replaced with acrimony. One-in-three (33%) view Poilievre favourably, while more than half (54%) hold a negative view. These levels of unfavourable sentiment are much higher than those of previous leaders Andrew Scheer, Erin O’Toole, and Stephen Harper at the beginning of their own leadership ventures.
Of those who have occupied Stornoway in the 21st century, only Harper was met with majority positive sentiment after taking the job.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, meanwhile, enjoys a five-point boost in his approval compared to summer levels. He’s viewed positively by more than two-in-five (43%). Trudeau appeared at public hearings in November to defend his February decision to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to deeply unpopular “freedom convoy” protests.
An emerging gender divide is unmistakable: Poilievre’s favourability is nearly twice as high among men (44%) as women (23%), while the inverse, though not as pronounced, is true of Trudeau (35% among men, 50% among women).
Both men will have plenty of opportunity to tackle big issues in 2023 and earn more confidence among the population. Canadians head into a new year focused on crumbling healthcare infrastructure and the overwhelming cost of living concerns. These two issues rank atop the list of priorities for every region of the country.
The Angus Reid study/poll focus on leadership favorability; on the surface, it looks like dueling bases deciding the narrative.
36% of people surveyed HATE Trudeau, and 38% HATE Poilievere. Divided superfans of each part or person who LIVE to write “I HATE TRUDEAU/POILIEVRE” in a box on a political survey.
Where this poll gets interesting is in the minutiae.
Comparatively, #PeePee is dank polling according to his CPC predecessors.
After three months as the CPC Leader, well over HALF of the respondents know Pierre is a lying rage farming, Incel loving, Canada-hating asshole who hasn’t bothered to tell his constituents what’s in it for them, just that he’s the only one who can save them from the “woke mob,” “Gatekeepers,” and “Elites” (the old Trumpy playbook).
You can only point at the other guys pretending to be the captain of the victim industry for so long before human beings get tired of the lament. In less than 90 days, PeePee has gone from White Western Savior to hypocritical joke and entitled fucking man-baby in the eyes of all Canadians because that’s what he has always been. Even dumb conservatives can see that now.
Outside Alberta and Saskatchewan, PeePee is universally hated, with Quebec, BC, and Ontario leading the “Fuck You PeePee” train.
Surprise! Women HATE the man, too. He’s been pimping the work of a man who thinks women who wear makeup are sluts who deserve to be objectified (Jordan Peterson). I guess so.
How old are you @ItsDeanBlundell? A clinical estimate: 8 years old and not very socially skillled. https://t.co/7fLkF8L2mT
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) May 12, 2022
I watched the J6 committee recommend criminal charges for Donald Trump today, and it drove home a concept I’ve been thinking about recently.
Hate and rage farming isn’t sustainable. It works until people get tired of trying to wade through the hate and self-aggrandizing behavior of influencers and politicians who weaponize hatred and division.
Pierre Poilievere has spent the better part of a year telling pea-brained conservatives, white men, and religious extremists Canada is broken and coming for everything from their white privilege to guns to their freedom of speech.
He hasn’t ONCE detailed any conservative foreign or domestic policy.
He hasn’t ONCE taken questions from reporters that don’t work for him or a conservative proxy (True North/Rebel, ETC).
He spent his first three months as CPC leader mocking Canadians who identify as socially and racially aware or “woke.”
He’s been gaslighting global inflation as a Trudeau problem taking us for fucking idiots who don’t understand how economics work.
He told anyone who would listen to hedge to battle “Justinflation” by investing their life savings into Crypto months before it ZERO’D out.
Pierre, Conservative Christians, and almost all Conservative-owned MSM in Canada have tried to curate an unrealistic reputation for PeePee, but we’re not dumb. We know when there’s a fox in the henhouse with s shit eating grin and a culty history of standing up for hateful Christian values, Incels, and white privilege that’s enabled him never to work a day in his miserable life.
Pierre Poilievre is human garbage who only hates politics for other hateful assholes running from themselves, hoping you don’t see who they are.
We know who PeePee is.
That’s why everyone HATES Pierre Poilievere.
Dean Blundell
Dean Blundell is a Canadian radio personality. Best known as a longtime morning host on CFNY-FM (The Edge) in Toronto, Ontario. In 2015 he was named the new morning host on sports radio station CJCL (Sportsnet 590 The Fan). Dean started his career in radio in 2001 and for nearly 20 years been entertaining the radio audience. Dean’s newest venture is the launch of his site and podcast which is gaining tremendous momentum across North America.