I’m Amie Reiman, Cannabis Wellness Expert/Professional Pillow Fighter, And New Blogger Here At DeanBlundell.com Your New Marijuana Mama

Feb 27, 2019

Amie Reiman is a Toronto local, working professional and a single mother of one, who brings a wealth of experience to the challenge of balancing one’s health & wellness on top of parenting and career demands and she’s our newest Blogger at DeanBlundell.com.  Thank God because it was a real sausagefest in here.

After 10+ years in the marketing world, Amie has taken a leap of faith in her mission to advocate health & wellness as well as to rid the stigmas surrounding cannabinoid therapies to parents, workers, and families in need.

A true speaker at heart, this busy mom is working to create an educational platform raised from personal experiences and connectivity in the health/cannabis space.   

Amie’s special needs child and personal health issues have made many admire and question ‘how she does it’.   Being both physically and emotionally challenged by life’s circumstances has provoked her decision to promote her journey and to share her knowledge and experience with others.

We hope you take the time to connect and engage with her platform as she offers support and encouragement to women, touching on topics such as:

  • Parenting
  • Self-Care/Self Love
  • Health, Cannabis, and Wellness
  • Relationships
  • Sisterhood

“Like many – my life’s ups and down’s have thrown numerous curveballs my way.

My son, diagnosed with a genetic syndrome at 5 years was one that I would learn to embrace, challenge and find ways for him to cope and grow over time.

As a single mother working in the Corporate World –

I’ve had to work through the challenge of balancing the needs of my child, my employers and myself.

Throughout my journey, there have been many tragedies and moreover, which have led to much valuable learning as a result.

From sexual assault to physical ailments, death of loved ones, legal battles and some poorly chosen coping mechanisms, the past few years challenged me in ways I never could have expected, ultimately forcing me to choose a path.

Remaining positive and constantly being urged to share the message of strength and integrity – here I am.  Sharing my HIP Life as it has unfolded and the management in all areas of pain and suffering being blanketed by Cannabis and other therapies.

A message of hope for women backed by much humor in the humility of “shit hitting the fan”, We all can share here and connect at the heart of our Hip Lives.

Likes:  Positivity, Cannabis, Bubble Baths, and Red Licorice

Dislikes: Bullies, Liars, Fog, and watercolors….  So hazy

What are you secretly really amazing at?

I golf – like really well.    I love to be that “girl” on best ball tournament that ends up carrying the team.

I was a professional Pillow Fighter circa 2006-2008 under the character persona, Wynn Cognito.  I was the masked fighter and yes – we beat the shit out of other women with pillows. 

Are you addicted to anything?

Random – but  I am a bath addict. I did google search this recently and it is a thing.  Maybe it’s because my back is a degenerative disaster and the heat feels good – or maybe I just love to feel super clean.  Likely the first scenario, yes –ha-ha  – but I do have 2-3 a day.   Who has the time???  I make the time. This is a typical 5-10m time slot only, of course…. But still.

Do you get stoned every day?

Define stoned???  I use cannabis everyday yes.  Do I get stoned?  No  – but I could.  The point here is that I mainly use Cannabis for health benefits so the way it treats me isn’t like Reefer Madness at all.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.

If you were compared to an animal – what do you think that would be?

MAMA LLAMA!  There actually is no real story here except that I adore llamas.  They actually seem to be making a huge comeback also – have you noticed?   Anyhow – I really love their little frows and little faces.  I can make a llama face – dead ringer if you want to see some time?


What are your biggest pet peeves?

Geez – how much time do we have?

How about toques in the Summer.  People who chew with their mouths open.  Parents who give their unprofessional medical opinions.  Baby Shark.  Watercolors – I know, don’t ask.  People who do rolling stops.  Winter in March (April is far worst though)  Unexpected farts in public places (by anyone – because they are funny… and I will laugh)  Toronto Traffic on Sundays – I mean COME ON, can we ever catch a break?!  Artificial smells like “Watermelon”  fucking barf.

What are some of your Favorite Foods? Ooh yeah, I love food in general.  I am a seasonal Foodie so right now I am super into Comfort Foods and playing with infusion recipes  – YES Cooking with Cannabis!!  


Will have to bring you some gluten-free CannaCupcakes I mastered last weekend.  My little guy loves to bake too!! **not get baked obviously**

Since I have cut out sugars and dairy also – I have been getting creative with vegetable-based recipes also.  I am not vegan, but this plant-based stuff is alright!

Look forward to sharing stuff and blogging about life as it should be lived.  And weird stuff too.






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