Video: Britney is pregnant, BITCH.

Apr 12, 2022


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A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears)

Ahhh yes, the old “I didn’t know I was pregnant” story.

Read that Instagram post again. Her fiance chalked up her belly to a food baby.

Dammmmit. I hate it when that happens. You head to all-you-can-eat sushi, dust yourself 30 spicy California rolls and 10 plates of dim sum and the boiler grows 3x the size larger than when you showed up. Some would call this a food baby. Apparently, Brittney Spears and her fiance also thought she had a food baby in her boiler when her stomach was getting larger than normal.

Whoops, one pregnancy test later and Britney is pregnant, bitch.

I’m happy for her, even though she is high up on the crazy spectrum. Maybe a baby is what she needs to not take fully nude photos on vacation and post them to Instagram.

Although that hasn’t stopped 99% of IG moms before. Let’s just hope it’s a healthy baby and the child has a normal upbringing…

God speed Brit and stand-by…

Chris Rooke

Content Director-Producer-Writer

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