Opinion: My Whole Family Got Covid and It Sucked!

Joe Williamson Sep 28, 2022

It took two-and-a-half years but my whole family contracted COVID AT THE SAME TIME!

Throughout this pandemic, we remained a cautious family. We masked and socially distanced everywhere we went. We avoided unnecessary trips to public spaces. We took advantage of remote learning for my 6-year-old and, in general, took very few chances when exposing ourselves to this potentially deadly disease.

However, when it became apparent that Doug Ford and the Ontario government were taking the approach of “let it rip” we knew that we could no longer live in isolation and would need to start taking some chances. After all, it seemed inevitable for us to get it. We enrolled our 6yo back into the physical classroom for Sept and essentially set the countdown as to when we would invite COVID into our house. Without fail, it took two weeks.

The whole ordeal is outlined in vomit-inducing detail below but needless to say, I would not recommend a 3yo, a 6yo and for you and your partner to all catch it at the same time. Nobody was in a position to take care of anyone. It was hard watching my children suffer and not being able to give them my best. The silver lining to this (if you are looking for one) is, yes we all survived and are on the mend but also after feeling as bad as he’s felt, possibly in his entire life. my 6yo now understands why we took so many precautions. He understands the point of the needles, masking, and endless washing of hands. He understands why we were trying to protect him.

By all accounts, what we caught was a mild variant and it still kicked our ass. We’ll continue to mask and respect people’s space with a greater appreciation of what we are attempting to protect our neighbors from.

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Joe Williamson

Bald Canadian who didn’t play hockey until he was in his mid-thirties. Die hard Raptors fan who proudly admits he wept when they won it all. Loves talking parenting, politics, and all things pop culture.

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